Lidl Us
Intersection is revolutionizing the way information is shared and experienced in public spaces to ease and enrich peopleÍs journeys through their cities and connect them to their communities. Connecting the digital and physical worlds, Intersection partners with cities, transit systems, airports, and real estate developments globally to build the foundation for a connected future, and with brands to engage people where they are with relevant and impactful exper
New York, NY

Intersection is revolutionizing the way information is shared and experienced in public spaces to ease and enrich peopleÍs journeys through their cities and connect them to their communities. Connecting the digital and physical worlds, Intersection partners with cities, transit systems, airports, and real estate developments globally to build the foundation for a connected future, and with brands to engage people where they are with relevant and impactful experiences. Intersection is backed by Alphabet through its urban technology company Sidewalk Labs. Learn more at

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They are headquartered at New York, NY, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Lidl Us works with Advertising technology companies such as LinkedIn Ads, DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, Google Adsense for Domains, Magnetic, AdBlock Acceptable Ads.