Medical Services Of America
Medical Services of America is a comprehensive home healthcare provider that offers home healthcare, hospice service, home medical equipment, diabetic supply, enteral nutrition, respiratory services, non-medical home care, personal emergency response, cardio diagnostics, home pharmacy/infusion therapy and physician management. Medical Services of America began with a unique concept, total home health care," and its expansion has been guided with that concept in mind. Every area of service is managed and staffed by qualified professionals, trained and experienced in their respective fields. All offices are company owned, not franchised, to ensure the highest quality of home care services."
Hospital & Health Care
1,000 - 5,000
Lexington, SC, United States

Medical Services of America is a comprehensive home healthcare provider that offers home healthcare, hospice service, home medical equipment, diabetic supply, enteral nutrition, respiratory services, non-medical home care, personal emergency response, cardio diagnostics, home pharmacy/infusion therapy and physician management.

Medical Services of America began with a unique concept, total home health care," and its expansion has been guided with that concept in mind. Every area of service is managed and staffed by qualified professionals, trained and experienced in their respective fields. All offices are company owned, not franchised, to ensure the highest quality of home care services."

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They are headquartered at Lexington, SC, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.