Medifast, Inc
Since 1980, Medifast, Inc.(NYSE: MED) has been a brand recommended by 20,000 doctors. Developed by a physician, Medifast is a clinically proven nutrition and weight loss company based in Maryland. We change lives by producing results and helping those succeed. Because everyone has different goals and ways of learning, we offer several support programs as you choose health with Medifast. We believe that healthier people are happier people. Everyone ha
Health, Wellness and Fitness
500 - 1,000
Owings Mills, MD, United States

Since 1980, Medifast, Inc.(NYSE: MED) has been a brand recommended by 20,000 doctors. Developed by a physician, Medifast is a clinically proven nutrition and weight loss company based in Maryland. We change lives by producing results and helping those succeed. Because everyone has different goals and ways of learning, we offer several support programs as you choose health with Medifast.

We believe that healthier people are happier people. Everyone has the right to feel good about themselves. Our vision is to create a world where it's easy to take control of your own well-being. We're on a mission to empower people with the right opportunities to enjoy the healthy life they deserve.

We see it every day. The ear-to-ear grin. The Òholding back the tearsÓ pride. The glow of pure joy when someone reaches their weight-loss goals. Their whole life gets better, and so does yours, because you helped them get there. If youÕd like to spend every day helping to change peopleÕs lives for the better, then a career at Medifast might be perfect for you!

WeÕre looking for driven, talented people who want a rewarding career in the health and wellness industry. If youÕre passionate about helping others, we encourage you to review our current opportunities and apply to be a part of our team! WeÕre a company that changes lives on a daily basis. Let us change yours.

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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
  • 9 SDKs
  • 1.84 Avg. Rating
  • 64 Total reviews
  • App Url:
  • App Support:
  • Genre: Health & Fitness
  • Bundle ID: com.dstsystems.TSFL
  • App Size: 10.6 M
  • Version: 1.0.3
  • Release Date: October 28th, 2014
  • Update Date: February 23rd, 2015


Get on the right tracker—ours! Whether you’re looking to lose weight, maintain it, or improve your health, The Habits of Health Dashboard by Take Shape For Life helps do it all. Track nutrition, exercise, weight, measurements, even sleep quality and quantity, and much more!
Keep your health and wellness in your own hands and at your fingertips.
Habits of Health Dashboard by Take Shape For Life tracks:
·         Healthy Eating—meals, water, and nutrition
·         Healthy Weight—weight and measurements (with or without Fitbit®)
·         Healthy Sleep—sleep (with or without Fitbit®)
·         Healthy Motion—exercise (with or without Fitbit®)
·         Healthy Mind—wellbeing and mindfulness
·         Progress, with graphs for comparison
The Tracker can be used entirely on its own or with any Fitbit® device.
The best feature is the Coach Console. Clients can connect directly with their Health Coaches in order to get the most supportive experience possible, as Health Coaches can view progress and challenges in real time.
No matter where you are on the road to Optimal Health—whether you’re taking your first step or continuing your journey—Habits of Health Dashboard makes health your habit!

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Reviews (Newest First)


Jul 02, 2017


First I downloaded the medifast app and it wouldn't get me past the Facebook log in. So I read the reviews and saw this app! And I got pass the Facebook login but when I complete the registration it says Facebook info not correct! I would think for how big Medifast and TSFL, they would have working apps 🙄😡🙄


Jul 02, 2017

Doesn't do anything!

Can't even leave my Fitbit to it!


Apr 18, 2017

Waste of time

If I could give it zero stars I would, this app is a waste of space and time.


Mar 13, 2017

Fitbit won't sync

I can't sync my Fitbit, gives me an error, help! string(26) "Error in retrieving token."


Jan 20, 2017


Was great for about 3 days then crashed. Could not even log in.


Jan 20, 2017

Request Failed

Can't even log in the first time on this app. It keeps giving me an error "Request Failed" even though my credentials are correct because I can log on from the web. Disappointed.
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Medifast, Inc
Medifast, Inc
They are headquartered at Owings Mills, MD, United States, and have 4 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Medifast, Inc works with Advertising technology companies such as Hercle, Facebook Exchange FBX, ContextWeb, SkimLinks, Atlas, DoubleClick.Net, Yahoo Publisher Network, Varick Media Management, ADTECH, Collective Media, Rubicon Project, Adify, eXelate, Openads/OpenX, AdBrite, BrightRoll, AdMeld, Improve Digital, Pubmatic, Magnetic, Real Media Group, Open AdStream, AdRoll,, AppNexus, AudienceScience, Burst Media, Chango, Google Adsense, mediaFORGE, Mediaplex, Yield Manager, Turn, Conversant, Struq, Rocket Fuel, ExactTarget, Quigo, IponWeb BidSwitch, Centro, Yahoo Small Business, Google Remarketing, Facebook Custom Audiences, Tapad, AdSonar, Index Exchange, Underdog Media, VINDICO, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Criteo, Google AdSense Custom Search Ads, Zedo, TripleLift, DoubleClick Bid Manager, Eyeota, The Trade Desk, Neustar AdAdvisor, Geniee, X Plus One, Aggregate Knowledge, SpotXchange, Dstillery, DialogTech, DemDex, Media Innovation Group, BlueKai DMP, BlueKai, Crosswise, Drawbridge, GumGum, Amazon Ad System, Sekindo, Nexage, AcuityAds, LiveIntent, Amazon Associates, RadiumOne, Criteo OneTag, Taboola, RockerBox, Twitter Ads, Adap.TV, Yieldmo, adingo, Adbrain, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, Polymorph, Nativo, Sharethrough, Storygize, Teads, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, Microsoft Advertising, Datonics, Tacoda.