NN is an insurance and asset management company active in more than 18 countries, with a strong presence in a number of European countries and Japan. Our roots lie in the Netherlands, with a rich history that stretches back 170 years. The overarching company, NN Group, includes NN, Nationale-Nederlanden, and NN Investment Partners.
With more than 11 500 employees, we aim to deliver high-quality services and products. Our approach is committed, straightforward and personal. NNÍs corporate values are: we care, we are clear and we commit. We are committed to helping people secure their financial futures, offering retirement services, insurance, investments and banking products. Our offices throughout Europe and Japan each offer a different array of products and services best suited to meet the needs of their local customers.
On 2 July 2014, NN became a standalone company. Since that date NN shares have been listed and are traded on Euronext Amsterdam under the listing name ïNN GroupÍ (symbol ïNNÍ).
- Company Name:Nationale-nederlanden Espaa
(View Trends)
Financial Services
- 58776 Global Rank
- 774 Netherlands
- 999 K Estimated Visits

- Netherlands 85.5%
- Germany 9.0%
- Nederlands
- Zakelijk
- Financieel
- Verzekeringen
- Maatschappijen
- 2 SDKs
- 0 Total reviews

- App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/nationale-nederlanden/id525317388
- App Support: http://changer.nl
- Genre: Finance
- Bundle ID: nl.nn.kijkoppensioen
- App Size: 6.39 M
- Version: 44
- Release Date: May 11th, 2012
- Update Date: March 28th, 2013
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