New College Of The Humanities
Based in the heart of London, New College of the Humanities offers unique, liberal arts-inspired curricula taught by inspirational academics through one-to-one tutorials and other small group teaching. The CollegeÍs undergraduates study a combined honours degree in subjects including Economics, English, History, Philosophy, and Politics & International Relations, or a single honours Law LLB, in addition to the CollegeÍs rigorous liberal arts diploma. The NCH Di
50 - 200
London, United Kingdom
New College Of The Humanities

Based in the heart of London, New College of the Humanities offers unique, liberal arts-inspired curricula taught by inspirational academics through one-to-one tutorials and other small group teaching. The CollegeÍs undergraduates study a combined honours degree in subjects including Economics, English, History, Philosophy, and Politics & International Relations, or a single honours Law LLB, in addition to the CollegeÍs rigorous liberal arts diploma. The NCH Diploma offers a rich mix of Core Courses including Applied Ethics, Critical Reasoning and Science Literacy, as well as LAUNCH, the CollegeÍs unique professional development programme, which teaches students the skills and behaviours they need to succeed in the increasingly competitive graduate recruitment market.

NCHÍs world-class professoriate includes luminaries such as Simon Blackburn, Sir Partha Dasgupta, Richard Dawkins, Daniel C Dennett, AC Grayling, Bettany Hughes, Lawrence Krauss, Steven Pinker, Sir Christopher Ricks, and Adrian Zuckerman, all of whom teach and contribute to the creation and development of the curriculum at the College.

Since its establishment in 2011, NCH has developed a reputation for delivering an unrivalled university experience. The College offers one of the best staff-to-student ratios in UK higher education, with students being offered at least 13 full contact hours per week on average, which compares to an average of 10.15 contact hours per week at Russell Group universities for humanities and social sciences students (HEPI, 2016). NCH graduate destinations have included Clifford Chance, Lambert Smith Hampton, Belarus Free Theatre, Deloitte, Porsche, Diageo and the British Council, and postgraduate study at top universities including the University of Oxford, UCL, and LSE.

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