Nortura SA is NorwayÍs leading supplier of meat and eggs. We supply the countryÍs major brands. Nortura ensures that consumers all over the country have the same selection of quality products to choose from. The group has a turnover of NOK 23,2 billion. We have 5 179 employees in different industries in 28 municipalities all over the country. The group is organized as a cooperative owned by 18 314 Norwegian farmers. The groupÍs purpose is to sell the memb
5,000 - 10,000
Oslo, Norway

Nortura SA is NorwayÍs leading supplier of meat and eggs. We supply the countryÍs major brands. Nortura ensures that consumers all over the country have the same selection of quality products to choose from.

The group has a turnover of NOK 23,2 billion. We have 5 179 employees in different industries in 28 municipalities all over the country. The group is organized as a cooperative owned by 18 314 Norwegian farmers.

The groupÍs purpose is to sell the membersÍ slaughtered animals, eggs, live animals and wool in the best possible manner. The group shall through its operations contribute to the members, receiving the best possible financial result from their livestock production.

It is sought to attain the objectives through the groupÍs core operations which include slaughtering, cutting, processing, egg packing, sales, marketing, trade of hatching eggs, trade of live animals, trade of wool and advisory services.

The group may otherwise participate in or operate enterprises that have a natural business relation to the groupÍs core operations and which support the groupÍs objectives. The group shall work towards improving general terms for Norwegian meat and poultry producers. Further, the group shall contribute to develop and maintain the set of values and principles for Nortura SA.

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They are headquartered at Oslo, Norway, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Nortura works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences, Ads.txt, Less than 5 Ads.txt, Less than 5 DIRECT Ads.txt.