Open Minds Circle
OPEN MINDS is the premier market research and management consultation firm specializing in the sectors of the health and human service field that serve consumers with chronic conditions and complex support needs. This includes behavioral and mental health services, addiction treatment, chronic disease management, disability support, home/community-based care, long-term care, social services, child welfare, family preservation, juvenile justice, and adult corrections. Our mission is to provide the provider organizations, payers, and care managers serving these consumers with the market and management information they need to improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
Management Consulting
50 - 200
Gettysburg, PA, United States

OPEN MINDS is the premier market research and management consultation firm specializing in the sectors of the health and human service field that serve consumers with chronic conditions and complex support needs. This includes behavioral and mental health services, addiction treatment, chronic disease management, disability support, home/community-based care, long-term care, social services, child welfare, family preservation, juvenile justice, and adult corrections.

Our mission is to provide the provider organizations, payers, and care managers serving these consumers with the market and management information they need to improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness.

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United States Page Views 75.9%
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They are headquartered at Gettysburg, PA, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Open Minds Circle works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.