Our mission is to enable people to get valuable insight into their materials and processes. We provide our customers with solutions for highly reliable and robust elemental and structural materials analysis. The unique combination of our software and instrumentation, based on X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and pulsed fast thermal neutron activation (PFTNA), provides our customers with elemental and struc
Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing
500 - 1,000
Almelo, Netherlands

Our mission is to enable people to get valuable insight into their materials and processes. We provide our customers with solutions for highly reliable and robust elemental and structural materials analysis. The unique combination of our software and instrumentation, based on X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and pulsed fast thermal neutron activation (PFTNA), provides our customers with elemental and structural information on their materials and is applied in scientific research and industrial process and quality control. Our customers can be found in virtually every industry segment, from building materials to pharmaceuticals and from metals and mining to nanomaterials.

PANalytical employs over 1,000 people worldwide. The companyÍs headquarters are in Almelo, the Netherlands. Fully equipped application laboratories are established in Japan, China, the US, Brazil, and the Netherlands. PANalyticalÍs research activities are based in Almelo (NL). Supply and competence centers are located on two sites in the Netherlands: Almelo (X-ray instruments) and Eindhoven (X-ray tubes), in Nottingham, UK (XRF applications and standards), in Quebec, Canada (fusion sample preparation) and in Boulder CO, US (near-infrared instruments).

PANalytical is active in all but a few countries of the world with a worldwide sales and service network that ensures unrivalled levels of customer support.

The company is certified in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

PANalytical is part of Spectris plc, the productivity-enhancing instrumentation and controls company. Since 1 January 2017 PANalytical has merged its activities with Malvern Instruments, a UK-based provider of materials and biophysical characterization technology and also an operating company within the Materials Analysis segment of Spectris.

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  • 0 SDKs
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  • App Url:
  • App Support:
  • Genre: Productivity
  • Bundle ID: com.PANalytical.HSvu
  • App Size: 42.7 M
  • Version: 1.0.11
  • Release Date: August 6th, 2015
  • Update Date: April 28th, 2021


The HSvu-app (HighScore View) displays all kinds of X-ray diffraction scans in various formats.
Additionally, it shows and reports all details from an X-ray diffraction analysis performed by the HighScore analysis software from PANalytical (proprietary .HPF format).

Experience the power and ease-of-use of HighScore with HSvu:

- use six different graphical views for references, single and multiple scans, quantifications and 3-dimensional graphs
- pan and zoom-in for details like you do with HighScore
- get a complete overview on measurement conditions, scans, peaks, profiles and crystal structure data
- switch easily between graphics and textual information
- unravel the parameters used in a diffraction analysis and its history
- create reports covering either pieces or the complete diffraction document

HSvu is a display or viewing app.
It shows existing data, but it doesn't perform an analysis nor does it change data.

The following file formats are supported:

- PANalytical .HPF (proprietary HighScore document)
- PANalytical scans ( .XRDML)
- PANalytical ( .2Dint), ASCII format integrated from a 2D area detector
- ASD Inc. binary spectrum ( .ASD)
- Philips binary scans ( .RD), ( .SD), ( .FP), ASCCI ( .UDF), ASCII( .LIS)
- Bruker binary scans ( .RAW) versions 1, 2, 3 and 4
- ASCII scans ( .LST), ( .UXD), ( .XDD)
- Crystallographic information file: ( .CIF)
- General ASCII scan X-Y(-Z) table ( .ASC)
- DBW-Rietveld ASCII scan ( .RFL)
- GSAS ASCII scans ( .RAW), ( .XRA)
- ICDD PD3 ASCII scan ( .PD3)
- JCAMP ASCII scan ( .JDX or .JCP)
- LH-Rietveld ASCII scan ( .LHP)
- MDI ASCII scan ( .MDI)
- Rigaku ASCII scan ( .ASC), ( .FI),( .RAS), binary scan ( .RAW)
- Scintag binary scan ( .RAW)
- Seifert ASCII scan ( .ASC)
- Shimadzu binary scan ( .RAW)
- Skrowonek UDS2 ASCII scan ( .UDS)
- Stoe CSD-PROFAN ASCII scan ( .PRO),( .DAT), binary scan ( .RAW)
- Thermo Scientifique (ARL) scan ( .XML)
- ASD Inc. binary spectrum (.ASD)

Please note:

- HSvu requires high processing power and a large memory. The data file size handled by HSvu is limited by the device capabilities and its performance.
For a proper operation at least an A6 chipset, as present in the iPhone 5, is recommended. More recent devices with a 64-bit processor (like the A7 chipset) provide a very smooth user experience.

- To compare several scans you must insert them into a document in HSvu.

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