Panchsheel entered the real estate business at a time when very few companies had the courage to ride this frightfully expensive and uncertain future. But the challenge was new and we saw great promise in it. So we took the plunge in 1989 and over the years, have been successfully conceiving affordable lifestyles for our customers in NCR (Noida, Greater Noida (West) & Ghaziabad). Today, we are one of the leading real estate developer companies in NCR, with a reckoning presence in residential and commercial development.
For the past 27 years, Panchsheel has been known for its futuristic approach, unrelenting innovation, a vision for excellence and uniqueness in development. Guided by the great visionary, our Managing Director, Mr. Ashok Chaudhary (a noted builder from Ghaziabad, now in Noida), the company stands firmly on a pedestal that is sure to fling upwards.
Deliveringædreamæhomesætoæourævaluedæcustomersærequireæmore than just a vision. It needs an astute mix of hard work, focus and perseverance. And thatÍsæwhy, we, as an entity,æswearæbyætimely construction of ouræprojects. From the veryæbeginning, we have been putting extra emphasis at the levelæof construction. Whatever project we put our hands in, weæmake sure itÍs construction takes place at a rapid pace.
There is no greater challenge than to have someone relying upon you for their dream home, And no greater satisfaction than to exceed his or her expectations.
All this has been possible because of the exceptional pool of talent that Panchsheel boasts of. Our workforce is not only highly qualified but also extremely adaptable that includes experts from diverse fields such as engineering, architecture, structural engineering, construction, marketing, finance and other management disciplines.
As a result, it has propelled us to shape cities out of ideas, mould the present to build the future.
- Company Name:Panchsheel Buildtech Pvt. Ltd.
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Noida, India
Real Estate
- 5992822 Global Rank
- 286114 India
