Pavia Systems, Inc.
Pavia Systems, Inc. specializes in technology for transportation infrastructure. Our award-winning solutions provide our clients with the tools they need to implement their projects. Our services include software development, web development, mobile development, online training and managed hosting for your websites, applications, and learning management systems. Our products include Mobile Apps for Project Inspection, and Pavement Apps like Gradation Test
Computer Software
10 - 50
Seattle, WA, United States

Pavia Systems, Inc. specializes in technology for transportation infrastructure. Our award-winning solutions provide our clients with the tools they need to implement their projects. Our services include software development, web development, mobile development, online training and managed hosting for your websites, applications, and learning management systems. Our products include Mobile Apps for Project Inspection, and Pavement Apps like Gradation Testing, Moisture Susceptibility, and Flexural Fatigue to name a few. Our customers include large Departments of Transportation, Contractors, Equipment Manufacturers, and Materials companies all with ties to the industry.

Pavia is highly specialized combining over a half-century expertise in transportation infrastructure, technology, and education, which makes us highly qualified to deliver unmatched technology for your projects. Do you have a strategic vision but unsure how to leverage your resources? Let Pavia do the heavy lifting for you so you can focus on steering your organization. Because PaviaÍs team is made up of award-winning industry doctoral researchers and distinguished engineers, we understand the core subject matter of the engineering behind transportation infrastructure. This saves tremendous time and effort because we have a thorough understanding of your needs and industry issues. Work with us and we will show you results you can ride on.

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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
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  • 0 SDKs
  • App Url:
  • App Support:
  • Genre: Business
  • Bundle ID: com.pavia.tackcoat
  • App Size: 7.18 M
  • Version: 1.0.7
  • Release Date: April 1st, 2017
  • Update Date: June 1st, 2017


The goal of TackCoat is to help civil engineers and inspectors ensure proper tack coat application on road construction projects.

To deliver on this goal, the app includes three calculators that help you:

- Verify Rates - calculate the application rate and residual asphalt rate in order to verify you are within specification

- Estimate Coverage - calculate how much surface area can be covered based on quantity of tack used and desired residual rate

- Estimate Quantity - calculate the amount of material required in order to cover a specified surface area with a desired residual rate

The app has straightforward, effective workflows for calculating proper tack coat application with tooltips and documentation built right into the app.

For help, contact

They are headquartered at Seattle, WA, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Pavia Systems, Inc. works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.