Prevent Cancer Foundation
The mission of the Prevent Cancer Foundation is saving lives across all populations through cancer prevention and early detection. Founded in 1985 by Carolyn Aldig_, the Foundation has fulfilled its mission by: ´ Funding research that allows us to understand how to prevent cancer or detect it early when it can be more successfully treated; ´ Educating the public about how to prevent cancer and detect it early through healthy lifestyle choices and proper medical screenings; ´ Advocating for policies and legislation that advances cancer research and prevention, as well as those that support the needs of cancer patients and their families. ´ Reaching out to communities across the country through funding, events and partnerships with other organizations. The Prevent Cancer Foundation has funded more than $130 million in support cancer prevention and early detection research, education, advocacy and community outreach programs nationwide and plays a pivotal role in developing a body of knowledge that is the basis for important prevention and early detection strategies.
Health, Wellness and Fitness
10 - 50
Alexandria, VA, United States

The mission of the Prevent Cancer Foundation is saving lives across all populations through cancer prevention and early detection. Founded in 1985 by Carolyn Aldig_, the Foundation has fulfilled its mission by:

´ Funding research that allows us to understand how to prevent cancer or detect it early when it can be more successfully treated;
´ Educating the public about how to prevent cancer and detect it early through healthy lifestyle choices and proper medical screenings;
´ Advocating for policies and legislation that advances cancer research and prevention, as well as those that support the needs of cancer patients and their families.
´ Reaching out to communities across the country through funding, events and partnerships with other organizations.

The Prevent Cancer Foundation has funded more than $130 million in support cancer prevention and early detection research, education, advocacy and community outreach programs nationwide and plays a pivotal role in developing a body of knowledge that is the basis for important prevention and early detection strategies.

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Prevent Cancer Foundation
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They are headquartered at Alexandria, VA, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Prevent Cancer Foundation works with Advertising technology companies such as Neustar AdAdvisor, Dstillery, Aggregate Knowledge, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, Resonate Insights, Pubmatic, AppNexus, Turn, AudienceScience, DoubleClick.Net, Crosswise, Drawbridge, Rocket Fuel, BlueKai DMP, BlueKai, Eyeota, The Trade Desk, Connexity, eXelate, Tapad, Videology, Media Innovation Group, RadiumOne, Semasio, Retargetly, StackAdapt, IponWeb BidSwitch, Zemanta Pixel, StackAdapt Retageting, Facebook Custom Audiences.