Prometheus Laboratories Inc., A Nestl Health Science Company
Prometheus Laboratories Inc., A Nestle Health Science Company About Prometheus Prometheus Laboratories Inc. is committed to improving lives through the development and commercialization of novel pharmaceutical and diagnostic products that enable physicians to provide greater individualized patient care. Prometheus is a leader in applying the principles of personalized medicine to the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and is applying these principles to oncology. Its strategy includes the marketing and delivery of pharmaceutical products complemented by proprietary diagnostic testing services. By integrating therapeutics and diagnostics, Prometheus believes it can provide physicians with more targeted solutions to optimize care for their patients. Prometheus became part of Nestl_ Health Science in July 2011. PrometheusÍ corporate offices are located in San Diego, California. For more information about Prometheus, please visit About Nestl_ Health Science For more information, please visit or follow us on LinkedIn:
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San Diego, CA, United States

Prometheus Laboratories Inc., A Nestle Health Science Company

About Prometheus
Prometheus Laboratories Inc. is committed to improving lives through the development and commercialization of novel pharmaceutical and diagnostic products that enable physicians to provide greater individualized patient care. Prometheus is a leader in applying the principles of personalized medicine to the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and is applying these principles to oncology. Its strategy includes the marketing and delivery of pharmaceutical products complemented by proprietary diagnostic testing services. By integrating therapeutics and diagnostics, Prometheus believes it can provide physicians with more targeted solutions to optimize care for their patients. Prometheus became part of Nestl_ Health Science in July 2011. PrometheusÍ corporate offices are located in San Diego, California. For more information about Prometheus, please visit

About Nestl_ Health Science
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They are headquartered at San Diego, CA, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.