Quality Care For Children
About Quality Care for Children For over 30 years, Quality Care for Children has worked to ensure that GeorgiaÍs infants and young children are nurtured and educated and, ultimately, find excitement and joy during a lifetime of growing and learning. Nancy Travis founded the agency as an office of Save the Children and served as the Executive Director from 1977 to 1994. In October 1998, Quality Care for Children became an independent non-profit community-based organization governed by its own local Board of Trustees. Quality Care for Children is the resource for parents, child care providers and community leaders in Georgia seeking information, assistance and support in securing high quality early learning experiences for infants and young children. We work with parents from across the state to assist them in finding child care. We ensure children statewide are fed nutritious meals through the child care food program. We work with child care providers to help them offer quality care child care. Mission The mission of QCC is to ensure that GeorgiaÍs infants and young children are nurtured and educated. Vision. Every child reaching their full potential.
Education Management
50 - 200
Atlanta, GA, United States

About Quality Care for Children
For over 30 years, Quality Care for Children has worked to ensure that GeorgiaÍs infants and young children are nurtured and educated and, ultimately, find excitement and joy during a lifetime of growing and learning. Nancy Travis founded the agency as an office of Save the Children and served as the Executive Director from 1977 to 1994. In October 1998, Quality Care for Children became an independent non-profit community-based organization governed by its own local Board of Trustees.

Quality Care for Children is the resource for parents, child care providers and community leaders in Georgia seeking information, assistance and support in securing high quality early learning experiences for infants and young children.

We work with parents from across the state to assist them in finding child care. We ensure children statewide are fed nutritious meals through the child care food program. We work with child care providers to help them offer quality care child care.

The mission of QCC is to ensure that GeorgiaÍs infants and young children are nurtured
and educated.
Every child reaching their full potential.

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