Quantenna Communications
Quantenna (NASDAQ:QTNA) is a global leader and innovator of leading-edge performance Wi-Fi solutions. Quantenna introduced the world's first 10G Wi-Fi technology for a new generation of access points in home, enterprise and public spaces and continues to innovate. Quantenna's Wi-Fi solutions offer superior performance, and establish benchmarks for speed, range, efficiency and reliability. With MAUI, Quantenna's cloud-based Wi-Fi analytics platform that complement its chipset solutions, service providers can deliver real-time, automated Wi-Fi monitoring, optimization, and self-healing to their customers around the clock to help achieve the best Wi-Fi experience. Quantenna is Wi-Fi perfected. For more information, visit www.quantenna.com.
200 - 500
Fremont, CA, United States

Quantenna (NASDAQ:QTNA) is a global leader and innovator of leading-edge performance Wi-Fi solutions. Quantenna introduced the world's first 10G Wi-Fi technology for a new generation of access points in home, enterprise and public spaces and continues to innovate. Quantenna's Wi-Fi solutions offer superior performance, and establish benchmarks for speed, range, efficiency and reliability. With MAUI, Quantenna's cloud-based Wi-Fi analytics platform that complement its chipset solutions, service providers can deliver real-time, automated Wi-Fi monitoring, optimization, and self-healing to their customers around the clock to help achieve the best Wi-Fi experience. Quantenna is Wi-Fi perfected. For more information, visit www.quantenna.com.

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They are headquartered at Fremont, CA, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Quantenna Communications works with Advertising technology companies such as LinkedIn Ads, Bizo, Google Adsense for Search.