UCOPIA is the European Leader on Wi-Fi Guest Access and Wi-Fi Marketing. We believe that more then a trend, connectivity is a key element to deliver the best user experience. Wherever you are, Wi-Fi is definitely something that people are looking for. UCOPIA is a French Company developping solutions to enable a secure and seamless connection for public and private Wi-Fi networks. UCOPIA is a complete, highly scalable solution to manage tens of thousand
Computer & Network Security
10 - 50
Montrouge, France

UCOPIA is the European Leader on Wi-Fi Guest Access and Wi-Fi Marketing. We believe that more then a trend, connectivity is a key element to deliver the best user experience. Wherever you are, Wi-Fi is definitely something that people are looking for.
UCOPIA is a French Company developping solutions to enable a secure and seamless connection for public and private Wi-Fi networks.

UCOPIA is a complete, highly scalable solution to manage tens of thousands of Wi-Fi concurrent access while offering Analytics and Marketing Services.
UCOPIAÍs Wi-Fi Analytics functionality enables the collection of usersÍ interests to better define future marketing campaigns that can be personalised on the Wi-Fi Marketing tool to best engage with end-users and enhance their digital experience.

12,000+ UCOPIA solutions have been deployed serving various industries including enterprise, public venues, retail, government organizations and more. To date, it is more than 650 billions of users who have been connected through UCOPIA's web portal.

More information at www.ucopia.com
Follow us on Twitter @UcopiaCom or @UcopiaFR

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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
  • 5 SDKs
  • 13 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/ucopia/id460047083
  • App Support: http://ucopia.com
  • Genre: Utilities
  • Bundle ID: com.ucopia.Ucopia
  • App Size: 1.22 M
  • Version: 2.0.8
  • Release Date: August 31st, 2011
  • Update Date: January 31st, 2013


Dear users,

The UCOPIA app launched in 2011 is not maintained anymore and thus will stop working with iOS 11. It will be removed from the App Store on September 30.
All functionalities are still available through the web portal and the delegation tool.
The UCOPIA team remains at your disposal should you have any questions.

The UCOPIA iPhone Application allows you to connect to a UCOPIA Wi-Fi network in a very simple way, as long as you know your connection credentials. This application is compatible with the latest versions of the UCOPIA controller (from version 4.2).

Before using the UCOPIA application, please check the following items:
- The iPhone must be set to Wi-Fi mode.
- The iPhone must be associated to a Wi-Fi network (SSID), linked to a UCOPIA controller.

Once you are connected to the Wi-Fi network, simply run the UCOPIA Application. When opened for the first time, the Application will ask for your connection credentials (login and password). If they are correct, you will be authenticated and thus able to access your authorized services. This authentication request is only needed the first time you connect. Moreover, the UCOPIA Application will automatically fill in the right credentials according to the UCOPIA network you are connected to.

Once authenticated and connected, if you have delegated administrator rights, you will be able to create new user accounts and forward credentials to a third party, so he or she can then connect to the same network.

Depending on the configuration of the controller UCOPIA, you may have the opportunity to self-register if you do not have credentials.

To create a new user account, please follow the steps below:
- Enter user information, such as surname, forename, etc. This information can be directly extracted from your iPhone contacts.
- Choose a profile from a set of profiles, in order to determine access rights.
- Specify the validity period, the time slots, etc. This step may be eliminated; and in this case, the user account is created using a predefined validity period.
- The user account is created in the UCOPIA controller.
- User credentials are sent by SMS or email.

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Reviews (Newest First)


Oct 25, 2016


Fonctionne mal en iOS 10 et plus du tout en 10.1 à fuir

Oct 27, 2014

Très bien mais...

J'utilise cette application sur de nombreux supports avec bonheur mais elle plante sur l'iPad air 2 :(

Nov 11, 2013

Utile ?

Le fait d'aller sur l'appli evite de retaper l'identifiant et le mot de passe mais on est toujours deconnecté au bout d'une heure donc pas tres utile je trouve !

Oct 01, 2012


Fais très bien son travail. Juste dommage qu'il faille lancer l'appli à chaque nouvelle connexion. Il faudrait qu'elle intercepte seule les id/password

Oct 13, 2011

ne fonctionne pas

Il n'arrive pas a se connecter au réseau et n' existe pas sur ipad ne le telecharge pas sa sert a rien !

Marche pas

Ne fonctionne pas avec le réseau wifi de mon école qui nous affirme être un résea ucopia... Ils nous préviennent même qu'une app Ucopia existe pour rester connecté, mais ça ne marche pas pour moi. 5s.
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They are headquartered at Montrouge, France, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Ucopia works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.