Ra Medical Systems
Ra Medical Systems, Inc. is a medical device company commercializing laser therapies for a number of dermatology and vascular diseases. The Company has had over a decade of past success creating and marketing the Pharos brand excimer laser to treat psoriasis, vitiligo, atopic dermatitis, and leukoderma. Today, Ra Medical is launching a novel laser and catheter system for minimally invasive endovascular treatments that center on the safe, efficacious, and efficient removal of deposits and blockages from inside vessels. The CompanyÍs patented DABRA catheter design has shown to achieve fast ablation and a high quality lumen with an emphasis on safety. Further, it can be manufactured at a lower cost and uses a powerful, more portable and easy-to-use laser platform than competing products.
Medical Devices
50 - 200
Carlsbad, CA, United States

Ra Medical Systems, Inc. is a medical device company commercializing laser therapies for a number of dermatology and vascular diseases. The Company has had over a decade of past success creating and marketing the Pharos brand excimer laser to treat psoriasis, vitiligo, atopic dermatitis, and leukoderma. Today, Ra Medical is launching a novel laser and catheter system for minimally invasive endovascular treatments that center on the safe, efficacious, and efficient removal of deposits and blockages from inside vessels. The CompanyÍs patented DABRA catheter design has shown to achieve fast ablation and a high quality lumen with an emphasis on safety. Further, it can be manufactured at a lower cost and uses a powerful, more portable and easy-to-use laser platform than competing products.

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They are headquartered at Carlsbad, CA, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Ra Medical Systems works with Advertising technology companies such as Yahoo Small Business.