Reverb Communications | Triple Xp
Reverb Communications, Inc. is a full service videogame agency that provides public relations, marketing, and sales services through one integrated campaign to the interactive entertainment industry. Using precise messaging and calculated marketing campaigns, we are able to drive consumer and industry demand for our clients' products, resulting in increased product sales. Our staff is comprised of driven professionals with an expertise in the launc
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Twain Harte, CA, United States
Reverb Communications | Triple Xp

Reverb Communications, Inc. is a full service videogame agency that provides public relations, marketing, and sales services through one integrated campaign to the interactive entertainment industry. Using precise messaging and calculated marketing campaigns, we are able to drive consumer and industry demand for our clients' products, resulting in increased product sales. Our staff is comprised of driven professionals with an expertise in the launch of videogame software and peripherals. We also provide corporate branding, business development, and event management services.

Reverb Triple XP provides a spectrum of services customized to focus on the needs of indie game developers. Triple XP titles stand out with excellent gameplay, creative design, and that elusive fun factor. Once identified, Reverb‰Ûªs team of game industry veterans partner with the indie dev team, fully understand the game by actually playing it and provide world class marketing, PR, social, production and distribution services that are fitting for games of the highest quality. A cornerstone of the programs is that the developer retains creative control and ownership of its intellectual property as well as receiving a custom solution tailored to their exact needs. Each year, only a handful of titles are chosen to be in Reverb Triple XP, prioritizing quality over quantity.

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They are headquartered at Twain Harte, CA, United States, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.