Marketeer Automate Your Customer Service! Track your visitor, chat with them and reduce 90% of human intervention while gaining customer satisfaction at the same time. It's a real A.I. platform to help your team to optimise your customer acquisition and retention processes. Please to contact me hello+linkedin[AT] What can I do for you? AUTOMATE YOUR LIVE CHAT Easy and simple way to talk with all your customers. Every company wi
10 - 50
Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Marketeer Automate Your Customer Service! Track your visitor, chat with them and reduce 90% of human intervention while gaining customer satisfaction at the same time. It's a real A.I. platform to help your team to optimise your customer acquisition and retention processes.

Please to contact me hello+linkedin[AT]

What can I do for you?

Easy and simple way to talk with all your customers. Every company will benefit from using artificial intelligence in their customer communication and engagement. Marketeer offers an easy and powerful SaaS solution for improving up to 90x your customer success by the use of artificial intelligence (ChatBot).

While you give the best customer service you can use that moment to sell a product. If they need your help, maybe they need your solutions. Tailor-made solutions for ecommerce platforms.

Talk to the customers is a must, but we strongly believe the most important part of this is when, why and how.

Marketeer with its unique machine learning environment improve customer acquisition & retention with the least amount of resources.

The big advantage of Marketeer is that it enables marketing/sales to benefit from all these features without having the IT department behind, including a platform that proactively learns from interactions to give self-response to users, reducing effort and time consuming.

Omni Channel Hybrid Human-Machine Customer Communication For Any Business
Your customer service will rocks in few minutes thanks to our hybrid solution that have the most advanced technology together with your amazing human touch.

Specialties: Startup, Business Intelligence, Big data, Machine Learning, ROI, Future, IoT, ChatBot, Machine Learning, customer engagement, cognitive, industry 4, AI, Customer Success, Automations, Customer Service

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  • Genre: Finance
  • Bundle ID: com.cts.pagaphonects
  • App Size: 108 M
  • Version: 1.1.9
  • Release Date: January 29th, 2019
  • Update Date: May 14th, 2019


Antes de PagaPhone cobrar tus remesas y recibir tus envios de dinero implicaba trasladarse, hacer fila, pagar transporte y finalmente, después de algunas horas, tener tu dinero.

Con PagaPhone puedes retirar tu dinero que te envian de Estados Unidos en cualquiera de los más de 50,000 cajeros automáticos a nivel nacional.

Hoy puedes recibir tu remesa y tus envios de dinero directamente en tu celular y usar tu tarjeta Platino PagaPhone para pagar en cualquier lugar donde acepten tarjeta.

Con PagaPhone puedes:
- Cobrar tus remesas que vienen de tu transmisor de dinero favorito de Estados Unidos
- Re-envia tu dinero a tus familiares a sus cuentas PagaPhone en toda la republica mexicana y paga solo 1% de comision!
- Pagar tus servicios como agua, luz, telefono, etc
- Hacer recargas de tiempo aire a cualquier compañía como Telcel, Movistar y AT&T

En PagaPhone tu seguridad es primero es por eso que contamos con uno de los procesos de seguridad más avanzados en el mercado que incluye el uso de biométricos y aprobación con dos factores de seguridad.

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They are headquartered at Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.