Securex offers specific expertise, advice and innovative solutions in all aspects of the management of human capital. We strongly believe that for a society to grow, nothing is more important than its employees. Obviously our baseline is Ôhuman capital mattersÕ.
The ÔInvestors in PeopleÕ certificate indicates that our company takes care of its employees. More specifically, our talent management strategy focuses on the individual competences, on sharpening leadership skills, on a healthy work/life-balance, on learning & development and on career coaching & teamwork.
Our customer portfolio comprises individuals, starters, self-employed but also small, midsized and large companies as well as public administrations.
We offer a broad array of products and services, ranging from specific advice on talent management, prevention and wellbeing at work, recruitment and HR interim management for companies and self-employed to a health insurance fund for individuals, payroll administration and adapted insurance products.
In 2012, Securex realised a turnover of 246 million euro. Our group operates in Belgium, France and Luxembourg and employs 1.600 people across 28 regional offices. We service more than 153.800 individuals and companies, more than 112.000 self-employed and more than 6.600 partner accountants and brokers.
For more information, please have a look at our website or at our Facebook Fanpage: or
- Company Name:Securex
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Brussels, Belgium
Human Resources
- 291446 Global Rank
- 2375
- 178 K Estimated Visits

- Belgium 98.3%
- Français
- Services aux entreprises
- Conseil
- 10 SDKs

- App Url:
- App Support:
- Genre: Business
- Bundle ID: be.securex.shiftinout
- App Size: 5.61 M
- Version: 2.0.0
- Release Date: June 2nd, 2017
- Update Date: April 18th, 2020
Indien u deze app wenst te gebruiken, kan u contact nemen met uw client advisor.
Beheer van uw medewerkers altijd en overal binnen handbereik
Als werkgever is uw personeelsadministratie ongetwijfeld geen snelle hap.
U moet op het laatste moment een gelegenheidswerknemer inschakelen of u moet nog snel een Dimona-aangifte doen. En dat terwijl u eigenlijk een zaak te runnen heeft. U wilt voldoende tijd hebben voor wat echt telt: de kwaliteit en dienstverlening die u biedt aan uw klanten.
Dankzij de SHIFT IN/OUT app heeft u uw personeelsbeheer steeds letterlijk bij de hand. U kunt nieuwe werknemers toevoegen ongeacht hun statuut (flexi-job, student, bepaalde of onbepaalde duur, …). De Dimona-aangiften voor uw werknemers verlopen volledig geautomatiseerd. En bij een arbeidscontrole kunt u altijd probleemloos aantonen wie op welke dag in uw zaak komt werken en wie niet.