Sk Networks
The history of SK Networks dates back to 1953. In the aftermath of the Korean War, the creation of Sunkyung Textiles, the predecessor of SK Networks, was a ray of hope for economic revival in a war-torn nation. This company, equipped with a grand total of 20 outdated weaving machines recovered amid the ruins, began SK Networks' entrepreneurial epic. ÒSunkyung,Ó suggesting the scope of the company's ambition, ÒlightÓ and Òmagnitude,Ó would indeed prove a
Import and Export
Seoul, Korea, Republic of

The history of SK Networks dates back to 1953. In the aftermath of the Korean War, the creation of Sunkyung Textiles, the predecessor of SK Networks, was a ray of hope for economic revival in a war-torn nation. This company, equipped with a grand total of 20 outdated weaving machines recovered amid the ruins, began SK Networks' entrepreneurial epic. ÒSunkyung,Ó suggesting the scope of the company's ambition, ÒlightÓ and Òmagnitude,Ó would indeed prove a fitting title for the SK story.

Our companionship with customers is rooted in a time when bringing new life and new dreams to our fellow citizens meant more than we can imagine.

SK Networks has remained true to this commitment for over fifty years
From the moment when we wake up in the morning and, still sleepy, pick an outfit for the day,
As we get in the car and head for the office,
During a short afternoon coffee break,
Or a casual chat with a friend on the mobile phone,
To the evening hours at home, when we wind down from the day,
The people of SK Networks are thinking of you.
SK Networks is a company touching your life up-close, always with you in mind,
Even when you are the least aware.

No company understands its customers as SK Networks does, or is as attentive to them as we are. For SK Networks, customers are our alpha and our omega.

It comes as no surprise that SK Networks operates through industryÕs broadest network of customer channels - or that our top-quality products are accessible to our customers whenever and wherever.

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Mobile App Data
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| 차차의 보물창고
  • 6 SDKs
  • 2 Total reviews
  • App Url:
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  • Genre: Entertainment
  • Bundle ID: com.skninternet.chacha
  • App Size: 6.92 M
  • Version: 0.1.2
  • Release Date: April 11th, 2012
  • Update Date: June 22nd, 2012


chacha is very alive and kicking girl.

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Apr 26, 2012

자꾸 튕겨요

만화를 다운받는것 까지는 가능한데 볼려구 하면 자꾸 튕기네요... 저만 그런건지 아닌지 ^^;


Apr 18, 2012


오마낫 일빠!!!차차님 웹툰 너무 팬인데 앱이 나와서 좋아요~매일연재되다 네이트 공지도 없이 이젠 가끔 올라와서 너무 속상한데 ㅠㅠ
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Sk Networks receives up to 0.9M pageviews per day.

They are headquartered at Seoul, Korea, Republic of, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Sk Networks works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.