Spacebase Gmbh
We are Spacebase: a global booking platform for workshop spaces, meeting rooms and event locations. Using the concept of the sharing economy, we give renters access to over 2500 unique venues all over the world. Our locations scouts handpick all spaces on our website. We meet the hosts and make sure that they fit in our concept and that the locations they provide are not only unique, but also professional enough for our corporate customers. Aside from o
Events Services
Stockholm, Sweden

We are Spacebase: a global booking platform for workshop spaces, meeting rooms and event locations. Using the concept of the sharing economy, we give renters access to over 2500 unique venues all over the world. Our locations scouts handpick all spaces on our website. We meet the hosts and make sure that they fit in our concept and that the locations they provide are not only unique, but also professional enough for our corporate customers.

Aside from offering the localities, we also provide lots of extras like catering, meeting equipment and hotel recommendations to make sure that each customer of ours gets to focus on their meeting and does not have to worry about its organisation. Each venue can be easily booked by just a few clicks on. However, we also take a lot of pride in our caring assistance: We assist with tips and share our favorite locations and hidden treasures to help anyone in doubt with the decision making.

We are committed to making sure each client gets the location that is best suited for their needs and requirements.

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Spacebase Gmbh
Spacebase Gmbh receives up to 0.09M pageviews per day.

They are headquartered at Stockholm, Sweden, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Spacebase Gmbh works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, AdRoll, AppNexus, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Twitter Ads, Facebook Exchange FBX, Openads/OpenX, Yahoo Small Business, IponWeb BidSwitch, Google Adsense, Commission Junction.