SYSTRA is a world leader in transport public infrastructure engineering. SYSTRA enjoys a unique wealth of experience in international mass transit and rail projects. Its expertise are applied in different fields of mass mobility : high speed rail, conventional rail, metro, tramway, etc. SYSTRA provides a whole range of services with its clients which will support and solidify the delivery of the projects from A to Z. SYSTRA helps people to develop and create the confidence
5,000 - 10,000
Paris, France

SYSTRA is a world leader in transport public infrastructure engineering. SYSTRA enjoys a unique wealth of experience in international mass transit and rail projects.
Its expertise are applied in different fields of mass mobility : high speed rail, conventional rail, metro, tramway, etc.

SYSTRA provides a whole range of services with its clients which will support and solidify the delivery of the projects from A to Z. SYSTRA helps people to develop and create the confidence that moves the world forward.

Key figures :
- 612 million ó sales turnover in 2016
- 6 100 employees worldwide
- 60% of sales turnover is achieved internationally
- More than 11,000km of railway lines built or modernised in 60 years, including 4300km of new lines
- 60% of all automated metro lines in development worldwide involve SYSTRA
- 500km: world record for new LRT lines. 55 light rail network projects managed worldwide by SYSTRA
- 440km of U-shaped viaducts designed and built since 1992
- 574.8km/h, world record for the fastest rail speed, achieved on a high speed line designed by SYSTRA
- 50 million passengers per day travel thanks to SYSTRA engineering
- Project references in 150 countries and 350 cities and towns.

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They are headquartered at Paris, France, and have 4 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Systra works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, LinkedIn Ads.