Tacirler Yatrm Menkul Deerler
Quarter-Century in Turkish Capital Markets Tacirler Investment, one of the leading investment organizations of country, is the Finance market representative of Tacirler Holding, which was established in 1958 and contains 13 companies operating in various sectors such as construction, trade, industry and Finance. Tacirler Investment, which is the investment firm with the biggest equity among the independent brokerage firms, and which hosts the investments claiming
Financial Services
200 - 500
Istanbul, Turkey
Tacirler Yatrm Menkul Deerler

Quarter-Century in Turkish Capital Markets

Tacirler Investment, one of the leading investment organizations of country, is the Finance market representative of Tacirler Holding, which was established in 1958 and contains 13 companies operating in various sectors such as construction, trade, industry and Finance. Tacirler Investment, which is the investment firm with the biggest equity among the independent brokerage firms, and which hosts the investments claiming Trust First"_ with its strong financial structure since its establishment in 1991, offers all investment products and services to be expected from an investment firm all together.

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