Targeted Medical Pharma
Targeted Medical Pharma, Inc. is a publicly traded, Los Angeles-based biotechnology company that is committed to developing novel therapies for the safe and effective treatment of disease. The company currently develops and distributes amino acid based medical foods, a rapidly growing sector of medication technology, for the treatment of pain syndromes, peripheral neuropathy, hypertension, obesity, sleep and cognitive disorders. The company also develops a line of dietary supplements designed to support health and wellness. TMP currently manufactures 10 proprietary amino acid based medical foods, and the dietary supplements Clearwayz» and THERALEVE». The products are sold directly to physicians, patients and pharmacies in the United States and abroad. The Company is currently developing new therapies for distribution in China, Japan and the Middle East. We intend to continue to develop our technology and build a diverse portfolio of products that reduce the harmful side effects of drugs and provide a targeted therapeutic option for specific nutrient and amino acid deficiencies associated with disease.
Alternative Medicine
10 - 50
Los Angeles, CA, United States

Targeted Medical Pharma, Inc. is a publicly traded, Los Angeles-based biotechnology company that is committed to developing novel therapies for the safe and effective treatment of disease. The company currently develops and distributes amino acid based medical foods, a rapidly growing sector of medication technology, for the treatment of pain syndromes, peripheral neuropathy, hypertension, obesity, sleep and cognitive disorders.

The company also develops a line of dietary supplements designed to support health and wellness. TMP currently manufactures 10 proprietary amino acid based medical foods, and the dietary supplements Clearwayz» and THERALEVE». The products are sold directly to physicians, patients and pharmacies in the United States and abroad. The Company is currently developing new therapies for distribution in China, Japan and the Middle East.

We intend to continue to develop our technology and build a diverse portfolio of products that reduce the harmful side effects of drugs and provide a targeted therapeutic option for specific nutrient and amino acid deficiencies associated with disease.

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They are headquartered at Los Angeles, CA, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.