Fitness Formulary Llc
Fitness Formulary supplies Functional Foods for Health» -- over 55,000 name brand food, supplement, health & wellness products -- assessed for efficacy through clinical research outcomes. We partner with health systems, health clubs, hospitals and physicians, sharing our revenues and providing their patients and members with value-added products and services at competitive prices. Preventable disease represents the single largest health hazard today. Preven
Health, Wellness and Fitness
10 - 50
Minneapolis, MN, United States
Fitness Formulary Llc

Fitness Formulary supplies Functional Foods for Health» -- over 55,000 name brand food, supplement, health & wellness products -- assessed for efficacy through clinical research outcomes. We partner with health systems, health clubs, hospitals and physicians, sharing our revenues and providing their patients and members with value-added products and services at competitive prices.

Preventable disease represents the single largest health hazard today. Preventative measures require knowledge and action at the consumer/patient level. We deliver unbiased clinical information through a convenient platform to purchase foods that function in the prevention/treatment of disease or the pursuit of heath/fitness goals.

We believe everybody deserves wellness and that knowledge is the path to achieving it. Who can we trust to provide the truth about nutrition, exercise, health and medicine? We trust leading physicians, scientists and clinical research from unbiased source and we provide this information to you for free for your use in preventing or treating medical conditions or pursuing health, fitness and wellness goals.

America is in a health care crisis. The proliferation of diseases such as obesity, cancer and heart disease contribute to deteriorating lifestyles and rising healthcare costs. Consumers are increasingly looking for alternative therapies and lower costs. MyFormulary was conceived to address this situation and to play a leading role in helping educate and guide individuals in the purchase of the right products to help them take charge of their wellness.

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They are headquartered at Minneapolis, MN, United States, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Fitness Formulary Llc works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.