Telenor India
Telenor Group is a leading telecommunications company with 176 million mobile subscribers and annual revenues of USD 16 billion (2016). The Group has mobile operations in 12 markets across Europe and Asia, and fixed and broadcast operations in Scandinavia. We hold #1 and #2 market positions in most of our markets. Our more than 30,000 employees are committed to responsible business conduct and ensuring that our services add value to our customers.
> 10,000
Fornebu, Norway

Telenor Group is a leading telecommunications company with 176 million mobile subscribers and annual revenues of USD 16 billion (2016). The Group has mobile operations in 12 markets across Europe and Asia, and fixed and broadcast operations in Scandinavia. We hold #1 and #2 market positions in most of our markets. Our more than 30,000 employees are committed to responsible business conduct and ensuring that our services add value to our customers.

Connectivity has been Telenor's domain for more than 160 years, and we are driven by our vision to empower societies. Telenor is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker TEL.

Internet access is more than just a benefit: itÕs what empowers societies. Yet for 6 out of every 10 people on the planet today, the internet doesnÕt exist: itÕs inaccessible, unaffordable, or inferior. ItÕs also not enough just to enable access. We have to unleash its full potential to advance the way we live, work, learn, share, and solve global challenges. This is what we do, and why we exist.

The world in 2020 will look radically different from what it looks like today, enabled by a very different internet. This future is what drives our transformation to be our customersÕ favourite partner in their digital lives.

Connected societies are empowered societies. The network is the foundation upon which we integrate the world to the opportunity that awaits them, enabling everyone to drive business, build societies, improve their lives and secure a better future for all of us.

To find out more about Telenor Group, please visit our website at

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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| Telenor Wallet
  • 0 SDKs
  • 2.26 Avg. Rating
  • 65 Total reviews
  • App Url:
  • App Support:
  • Genre: Finance
  • Bundle ID: com.djuice.faktura
  • Version: 4.0.0
  • Release Date: June 10th, 2011
  • Update Date: March 13th, 2017


NOTE: This application is intended for use with Telenor Norway subscriptions.

Djuice merges with Telenor!

By March 2017 all Djuice subscriptions will be re-branded as Telenor nonstop. Your price, terms and conditions stay the same.

All information regarding your subscription can be found in the Mitt Telenor app, together with an array of useful features.

Use the same credentials to log in to Mitt Telenor as you used for Mitt Djuice (username = e-mail address)

Download Mitt Telenor from App Store today!

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Reviews (Newest First)


Dec 27, 2016

Bør oppdateres

Appen bør oppdateres snarest. Ofte problem med innlogging og mangelfull info angående forbruk. Anne info finnes men ikke forbruk.

Bare piss

Aug 30, 2016


Greier ikke å logge inn.. Står at bruker ikke eksisterer, men når jeg trykker glemt passord og får oppgitt engangskode står de at jeg har allerede registrert en bruker!


Jul 30, 2016


Klarer ikke å loge inn


May 23, 2016


Får ikke logget på etter siste oppdatering :(


Apr 13, 2016

Feil endelig fikset. Bra app

Endelig er de irriterende tingene ved appen fikset og den fungerer nå som den burde. Fin og ryddig oversikt


Feb 23, 2016

Irriterende app

Usedvanlig irriterende app! Spør om å koble til Bluetooth hver gang man åpner den for å koble til tilbehør! Og logger deg ut etter 2-3 dager. Her burde det legges inn valg om tilkobling og innlogging med fingerprint.
Telenor India receives up to 0.007M pageviews per day, in countries such as Pakistan, Sweden, Austria.

They are headquartered at Fornebu, Norway, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Telenor India works with Advertising technology companies such as Bizo, DoubleClick.Net, Twitter Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Adform, Qbrick.