Telenor Norge As
Telenor Group is a leading telecommunications company with 176 million mobile subscribers and annual revenues of USD 16 billion (2016). The Group has mobile operations in 12 markets across Europe and Asia, and fixed and broadcast operations in Scandinavia. We hold #1 and #2 market positions in most of our markets. Our more than 30,000 employees are committed to responsible business conduct and ensuring that our services add value to our customers.
> 10,000
Fornebu, Norway
Telenor Norge As

Telenor Group is a leading telecommunications company with 176 million mobile subscribers and annual revenues of USD 16 billion (2016). The Group has mobile operations in 12 markets across Europe and Asia, and fixed and broadcast operations in Scandinavia. We hold #1 and #2 market positions in most of our markets. Our more than 30,000 employees are committed to responsible business conduct and ensuring that our services add value to our customers.

Connectivity has been Telenor's domain for more than 160 years, and we are driven by our vision to empower societies. Telenor is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the ticker TEL.

Internet access is more than just a benefit: itÍs what empowers societies. Yet for 6 out of every 10 people on the planet today, the internet doesnÍt exist: itÍs inaccessible, unaffordable, or inferior. ItÍs also not enough just to enable access. We have to unleash its full potential to advance the way we live, work, learn, share, and solve global challenges. This is what we do, and why we exist.

The world in 2020 will look radically different from what it looks like today, enabled by a very different internet. This future is what drives our transformation to be our customersÍ favourite partner in their digital lives.

Connected societies are empowered societies. The network is the foundation upon which we integrate the world to the opportunity that awaits them, enabling everyone to drive business, build societies, improve their lives and secure a better future for all of us.

To find out more about Telenor Group, please visit our website at

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Telenor Norge As receives up to 0.04M pageviews per day, in countries such as Pakistan, Sweden, Austria.

They are headquartered at Fornebu, Norway, and have 12 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Telenor Norge As works with Advertising technology companies such as Bizo, DoubleClick.Net, Twitter Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Adform, Qbrick.