The Beast
Established since 2011, the Beast is a unique Online-Offline lifestyle retail concept dedicated to upper and middle class Chinese consumers. Originally launched as a new age flower shop, the Beast has since grown into a creative house of lifestyle and sophistication with massive social media status on a national level. The Beast enables Chinese modern consumers to experience qualitative brands from all over the world through 24 stores in 11 cities, several e-shops, and the APP. Our products offer is selected with the highest care and gathers home decoration, fragrances & scents, floral compositions, fashion accessories, cosmetics, tableware and delicatessen. Free spirited and audacious, the Beast is also an original trademark whereby aesthetics and details are central. Delivering exceptional quality in both product experience and consumer exploration on our platforms, the Beast has become a trendsetting platform in China. We keep on expanding our concept everyday and are always interested to get in touch with new brands or retailers to join us in this wonderful adventure ! To reach us, please send an email to: To discover our creative universe, come to visit our main e-shop on

Established since 2011, the Beast is a unique Online-Offline lifestyle retail concept dedicated to upper and middle class Chinese consumers. Originally launched as a new age flower shop, the Beast has since grown into a creative house of lifestyle and sophistication with massive social media status on a national level.

The Beast enables Chinese modern consumers to experience qualitative brands from all over the world through 24 stores in 11 cities, several e-shops, and the APP. Our products offer is selected with the highest care and gathers home decoration, fragrances & scents, floral compositions, fashion accessories, cosmetics, tableware and delicatessen.

Free spirited and audacious, the Beast is also an original trademark whereby aesthetics and details are central. Delivering exceptional quality in both product experience and consumer exploration on our platforms, the Beast has become a trendsetting platform in China.

We keep on expanding our concept everyday and are always interested to get in touch with new brands or retailers to join us in this wonderful adventure ! To reach us, please send an email to:

To discover our creative universe, come to visit our main e-shop on

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The Beast
They are headquartered at China, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. The Beast works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.