The Little Market
Connecting artisans with conscious customers through an online fair trade shop of handmade goods. Inspired by the responsibility to help others worldwide, Lauren Conrad and Hannah Skvarla founded this nonprofit to create a way for shoppers to come together as a community and create a meaningful impact through their purchases. The Little Market is an online fair trade shop that offers artisan-made and ethically sourced products. Our curated collection featu
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Connecting artisans with conscious customers through an online fair trade shop of handmade goods.

Inspired by the responsibility to help others worldwide, Lauren Conrad and Hannah Skvarla founded this nonprofit to create a way for shoppers to come together as a community and create a meaningful impact through their purchases. The Little Market is an online fair trade shop that offers artisan-made and ethically sourced products. Our curated collection features products that are handmade by thousands of individual artisans around the world.

We select artisan partners who are located in the most rural and disadvantaged communities and often do not have access to a global marketplace. We provide design insights to help our partners showcase their traditional skills and cultural techniques. Empowering women by helping them to earn a sustainable income in order to eradicate poverty is our goal. Through our artisan partnerships, we create the opportunity for artisans to have a job that also preserves their culture and allows them to be near their families, rather than taking an undesirable Ñ and oftentimes unsafe and underpaid Ñ job far away from their home and children.

As a proud member of the Fair Trade Federation, The Little Market is committed to practicing fair trade principles. By shopping fair trade, our collective efforts generate meaningful opportunities that change lives and transform communities worldwide. Each purchase helps to combat poverty, empower communities, and create social justice.

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Mobile App Data
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  • Genre: shopping
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  • Version: 4060299
  • Release Date: May 21st, 2015


A little Market vous permet d'acheter (et de vendre !) des créations fait main, tout simplement sur l'application, ou en contactant directement le créateur. Découvrez nos milliers d'artisans du bijou, de la décoration et bien d'autres...

Avec notre application, vous pourrez emmener tout A little Market dans votre poche :

*** Vous souhaitez découvrir nos créateurs ?*** L'application vous permet de vous inspirer grâce aux sélections mises en avant, de dénicher et de mettre de côté vos trouvailles favorites, d'échanger avec nos créateurs, et bien sûr, d'acheter en toute sécurité votre création si vous avez trouvé la perle !

*** Vous êtes vous-même un créateur ?*** Sur l'application vous pourrez consulter en temps réel l'état de vos ventes et de votre catalogue, déposer des produits, confirmer vos commandes et gérer vos paiements et expéditions. Ainsi, vous n'avez plus besoin de rester derrière votre bureau pour gérer votre boutique efficacement !

*** Vous nous aimez et voulez nous le dire ?*** N'hésitez pas à venir à notre rencontre sur le compte Facebook d'A little Market ! C'est ici --->

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The Little Market receives up to 0.1M pageviews per day, in countries such as United States.

They have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. The Little Market works with Advertising technology companies such as Amazon Associates, DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences, LinkedIn Ads, Impact, Google Remarketing.