The National Campaign To Prevent Teen And Unplanned Pregnancy
Power to Decide, the campaign to prevent unplanned pregnancy, believes that all young people should have the opportunity to pursue the future they want, realize their full possibility, and follow their intentions. These beliefs guide our work to ensure that all young people have the power to decide if, when, and under what circumstances to get pregnant. We provide objective, evidence-based information about sexual health and contraceptive options, and we work to guarantee equitable access to and information about the full range of contraceptive methods. We are a national, non-partisan organization that is committed to common ground, common sense solutions and catalyzing innovation in the public and private sectors. Join us at
Nonprofit Organization Management
50 - 200
Washington, DC, United States

Power to Decide, the campaign to prevent unplanned pregnancy, believes that all young people should have the opportunity to pursue the future they want, realize their full possibility, and follow their intentions. These beliefs guide our work to ensure that all young people have the power to decide if, when, and under what circumstances to get pregnant. We provide objective, evidence-based information about sexual health and contraceptive options, and we work to guarantee equitable access to and information about the full range of contraceptive methods. We are a national, non-partisan organization that is committed to common ground, common sense solutions and catalyzing innovation in the public and private sectors. Join us at

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