Thomas Cook Group
175 years ago, our founder Thomas Cook began this company with a vision to ïbroaden the mind of others and break down the partition walls of prejudice.'_ Once describing himself as ïthe willing and devoted servant of the travelling public,Í Thomas Cook was a true pioneer of the travel industry, opening up a world of new destinations and new travel experiences to everyone. By obtaining the best services and prices for his customers, he laid the foundations of th
Leisure, Travel & Tourism
Isleworth, United Kingdom

175 years ago, our founder Thomas Cook began this company with a vision to ïbroaden the mind of others and break down the partition walls of prejudice.'_

Once describing himself as ïthe willing and devoted servant of the travelling public,Í Thomas Cook was a true pioneer of the travel industry, opening up a world of new destinations and new travel experiences to everyone. By obtaining the best services and prices for his customers, he laid the foundations of the company that still bears his name today.

Our purpose today remains true to Thomas CookÍs ambitions - to be the world's most loved holiday company.

Thomas Cook Group plc is one of the worldÍs leading leisure travel groups with sales of £7.8 billion in the year ended 30 September 2016. Thomas Cook is supported by 21,813 employees and operates from 15 source markets; it is number one or two (by revenue) in all its core markets. Thomas Cook Group plcÍs shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange (TCG).

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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| Thomas Cook Belgium
  • 10 SDKs
  • 2.48 Avg. Rating
  • 12 Total reviews
  • App Url:
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  • Genre: Travel
  • Bundle ID: be.thomascook.brochureApp.appstore
  • App Size: 9.96 M
  • Version: 2.13
  • Release Date: September 21st, 2011
  • Update Date: October 24th, 2014


Met de interactieve Thomas Cook applicatie ontdek je ons ruim aanbod aan kwalitatieve vakanties en profiteer je van de beste aanbiedingen. Kies je gewenste type vakantie, van vliegvakanties tot cruises; of doorzoek je favoriete bestemmingen en boek zo handig en snel je hotel voor je volgende droomreis.

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Reviews (Newest First)

Jul 08, 2015

Dromen van een reis en een app die werkt

Het lijkt eenvoudig klik op enkele gemakkelijk te gebruiken menu's. Geef vlug je voorkeuren in. De app geeft een voorsmaakje en dan klik en lees. Heerlijk eenvoudig en heerlijk duidelijk. Meer moet dat niet zijn. Tot mijn mollenoog struikelt over het aantal nachten. Mijn voorkeur ging uit naar 5 à 8 nachten. Toch sloop een snode 4 nachten in het resultaat. Geen probleem, klein foutje, moving on. De prijzen bekeken check, vertrekdatum gekozen check. Op boeken klikken dan maar. Ik vlieg meteen naar de site van TC, niet onlogisch. Tot als je merkt dat het enige wat overeenkomt de naam en locatie van het hotel is. De prijs vertrekdatum is totaal anders. Als ik dan alles correct zet blijkt dat de last minute zelfs niet meer bestaat. Zeer flauw, men zou vermoeden dat een bedrijf als Thomas Cook zijn apps toch eens op voorhand test. Hopelijk is de kwaliteit van de reizen beter.

Aug 29, 2013


Na de laatste update doet de app niks meer

Jul 27, 2013


Waarom in frans allen

Jun 24, 2013


Waaromkan ik dit niet in het Nederlands gebruiken?

Apr 21, 2013


L'app plante sans arrêt. Les informations mentionnées dans l'aperçu des recherches ne correspond pas aux informations réelles, c'est une perte de temps

Jan 05, 2013


Loopt steeds vast. Is niet overzichtelijk. Linkt gewoon door daar hun website.
Core Data
Use Core Data to save your application’s permanent data for offline use, to cache temporary data, and to add undo functionality to your app on a single device. Through Core Data’s Data Model editor, you define your data’s types and relationships, and generate respective class definitions. Core Data can then manage object instances at runtime to provide the following features.
Core Foundation Framework
Core Foundation is a framework that provides fundamental software services useful to application services, application environments, and to applications themselves. Core Foundation also provides abstractions for common data types, facilitates internationalization with Unicode string storage, and offers a suite of utilities such as plug-in support, XML property lists, URL resource access, and preferences.
Core Graphics
The Core Graphics framework is based on the Quartz advanced drawing engine. It provides low-level, lightweight 2D rendering with unmatched output fidelity. You use this framework to handle path-based drawing, transformations, color management, offscreen rendering, patterns, gradients and shadings, image data management, image creation, and image masking, as well as PDF document creation, display, and parsing.
Core Location Framework
The Core Location framework lets you determine the current location or heading associated with a device. The framework uses the available hardware to determine the user’s position and heading. You use the classes and protocols in this framework to configure and schedule the delivery of location and heading events. You can also use it to define geographic regions and monitor when the user crosses the boundaries of those regions. In iOS, you can also define a region around a Bluetooth beacon.
Foundation Framework
The Foundation framework provides a base layer of functionality for apps and frameworks, including data storage and persistence, text processing, date and time calculations, sorting and filtering, and networking. The classes, protocols, and data types defined by Foundation are used throughout the macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS SDKs.
Launch Services
macOS Launch Services is an API that enables a running app to open other apps or their document files, similar to the Finder or the Dock.Launch Services eliminates apps having to query the Finder to open an app, document, or URL for them. The macOS Finder itself uses Launch Services to perform such tasks. Because the Finder performs no additional processing beyond calling Launch Services, any client using Launch Services for these purposes behaves identically to the Finder.
The Message UI framework provides specialized view controllers for presenting standard composition interfaces for email and SMS (Short Messaging Service) text messages. Use these interfaces to add message delivery capabilities without requiring the user to leave your app.
Quartz Core Framework
Allow users to browse, edit, and save images, using slideshows and Core Image filters.The Quartz Composer API supports processing and rendering graphical data and allows developers to create custom patches for the Quartz Composer developer tool. ImageKit provides user interface support for browsing, editing, and saving images, showing slideshows, and browsing and previewing Core Image filters. PDFKit is a technology that allows applications to display and manipulate PDF documents.
System Configuration F...
This collection of documents describes the programming interfaces of the System Configuration framework. The System Configuration framework provides functions that determine the reachability of target hosts in both a synchronous and an asynchronous manner. It also provides error detection facilities.
The UIKit framework (UIKit.framework) provides the crucial infrastructure needed to construct and manage iOS apps. This framework provides the window and view architecture needed to manage an app’s user interface, the event handling infrastructure needed to respond to user input, and the app model needed to drive the main run loop and interact with the system.
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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Thomas Cook Group receives up to 0.2M pageviews per day.

They are headquartered at Isleworth, United Kingdom, and have 4 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Thomas Cook Group works with Advertising technology companies such as Yield Manager, Yahoo Publisher Network, Aggregate Knowledge, Turn, Facebook Exchange FBX, Rocket Fuel, Affectv, Google Adsense, AppNexus, Criteo, ADTECH, Google Adsense for Search, DoubleClick.Net, Rubicon Project, Burst Media, Index Exchange, Improve Digital, Openads/OpenX, Pubmatic, Switch Ads, Yieldlab, Integral Ad Science, Digilant, Chango, ContextWeb, Adify, Neustar AdAdvisor, SiteScout, SpotXchange, Accuen, Videology, BlueKai,, DemDex, Eq Ads, Zenovia, Adap.TV, Experian, MyBuys, The Trade Desk, AdGear, AcuityAds, Connexity, Dstillery, Yahoo Small Business, eXelate, Twitter Ads, Tapad, AOL-Time Warner Online Advertising, Drawbridge, Captify, Atlas, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Proclivity, Metrigo, AudienceScience, IponWeb BidSwitch, Facebook Custom Audiences, LiveRail, 161Media, Adition, X Plus One, Collective Media, Evidon, Adconion, DoubleVerify, Engage BDR,, eyeReturn, RadiumOne, Media Innovation Group, Sojern, BridgeTrack, Jumptap, Magnetic, Flashtalking, Google AdSense Custom Search Ads, Google Publisher Tag, BlueKai DMP, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, Geniee, Taboola, Ads.txt, Google Direct,, Criteo OneTag, Falk Realtime, Teads, Google AdSense Integrator, Google Floodlight Counter, Google Floodlight Sales, ECustomer Opinions.