Trenkwalder Group
Trenkwalder International AG is one of the leading HR service providers in Central and Eastern Europe with more than 30 years of experience. The company has been a part of the Droege International Group AG in DÙsseldorf since 2011. Trenkwalder is the market leader in Austria and Slovakia and has a turnover of 850 million Euros in 2014. The organization currently brings together more than 55,000 employees with 15,000 clients from over 200 locations in 17 different countries. Trenkwalder has received numerous awards such as FOCUS Top HR service provider, Golden Best Recruiter Award, Investors in People and kununu top and open company. We offer our clients reliable partnerships, qualified staff in all sectors as well as innovative HR solutions. Moreover, we offer companies more flexibility, thus enabling them to exploit opportunities in international competition and to secure jobs at the same time. With our employees and HR solutions, we are present in nearly all sectors of the economy. International group standards in all key service areas and systematic and integrated quality management support our high level of performance.
Human Resources
Schwadorf, Austria

Trenkwalder International AG is one of the leading HR service providers in Central and Eastern Europe with more than 30 years of experience. The company has been a part of the Droege International Group AG in DÙsseldorf since 2011. Trenkwalder is the market leader in Austria and Slovakia and has a turnover of 850 million Euros in 2014. The organization currently brings together more than 55,000 employees with 15,000 clients from over 200 locations in 17 different countries. Trenkwalder has received numerous awards such as FOCUS Top HR service provider, Golden Best Recruiter Award, Investors in People and kununu top and open company.

We offer our clients reliable partnerships, qualified staff in all sectors as well as innovative HR solutions. Moreover, we offer companies more flexibility, thus enabling them to exploit opportunities in international competition and to secure jobs at the same time. With our employees and HR solutions, we are present in nearly all sectors of the economy. International group standards in all key service areas and systematic and integrated quality management support our high level of performance.

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Trenkwalder Group
Trenkwalder Group receives up to 0.02M pageviews per day.

They are headquartered at Schwadorf, Austria, and have advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Trenkwalder Group works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences.