Trowers & Hamlins
Trowers & Hamlins is well known for its eclectic mix of specialisations combining sector leadership in the UK and across the Middle East. We help businesses and governments change the way we live and work for the better. We do this by providing commercial advice geared towards tackling tomorrow's challenges in industry. We are well known for our expertise in the real estate sector, and have thriving commercial, social housing, banking and finance, and private w
Law Practice
500 - 1,000
London, United Kingdom
Trowers & Hamlins

Trowers & Hamlins is well known for its eclectic mix of specialisations combining sector leadership in the UK and across the Middle East. We help businesses and governments change the way we live and work for the better. We do this by providing commercial advice geared towards tackling tomorrow's challenges in industry.

We are well known for our expertise in the real estate sector, and have thriving commercial, social housing, banking and finance, and private wealth practices, in addition to specialist practices such as planning, tax, pensions, and environment.

We are a top-50 UK law firm and undertake work around the globe. We have over 150 partners and approximately 830 employees. The main office is in the City of London, with three UK regional offices in Birmingham, Exeter and Manchester. Outside the UK we have more than 80 lawyers and four offices across the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region (including Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Dubai and Oman), as well as an office in Malaysia.

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Global Rank 563,604
Indonesia Rank 16,188
Indonesia Page Views 69.7%
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  • Lawyers and Law Firms
  • Business and Corporate Law
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They are headquartered at London, United Kingdom, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Trowers & Hamlins works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.