Unitarian Universalist Association
The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is a religious organization that combines two traditions: the Universalists, who organized in 1793, and the Unitarians, who organized in 1825. They consolidated into the UUA in 1961. Both groups trace their roots in North America to the early Massachusetts settlers and to the founders of the Republic. Overseas, their heritages reach back centuries to pioneers in England, Poland, and Transylvania. Each of the 1,000+ congregations in the United States, Canada, and overseas are democratic in polity and operation; they govern themselves. They unite in the Association to provide services that individual congregations cannot provide for themselves. Each congregation is associated with one of the UUAÍs 19 districts. Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religion with Jewish-Christian roots. It has no creed. It affirms the worth of human beings, advocates freedom of belief and the search for advancing truth, and tries to provide a warm, open, supportive community for people who believe that ethical living is the supreme witness of religion.
Boston, MA, United States

The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is a religious organization that combines two traditions: the Universalists, who organized in 1793, and the Unitarians, who organized in 1825. They consolidated into the UUA in 1961.

Both groups trace their roots in North America to the early Massachusetts settlers and to the founders of the Republic. Overseas, their heritages reach back centuries to pioneers in England, Poland, and Transylvania.

Each of the 1,000+ congregations in the United States, Canada, and overseas are democratic in polity and operation; they govern themselves. They unite in the Association to provide services that individual congregations cannot provide for themselves. Each congregation is associated with one of the UUAÍs 19 districts.

Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religion with Jewish-Christian roots. It has no creed. It affirms the worth of human beings, advocates freedom of belief and the search for advancing truth, and tries to provide a warm, open, supportive community for people who believe that ethical living is the supreme witness of religion.

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  • 10 SDKs
  • 4.4 Avg. Rating
  • 21 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/unitarian-universalist-association/id531010625
  • App Support: https://www.uua.org/contact-us
  • Genre: Lifestyle
  • Bundle ID: com.uua.illuminations
  • App Size: 54 M
  • Version: 1.1
  • Release Date: June 5th, 2012
  • Update Date: April 10th, 2020


The app offers access to hundreds of inspirational words covering a range of topics, including: Affirmations, Benedictions, Blessings, Chalice Lightings, Closings, Invocations, Litanies, Meditations, Openings, Poetry, Prayers, Readings, Responsive Readings, Rituals, and Stories.

Users can mark favorite items for offline access or share them with friends and family. The app also features an image gallery of shareable graphics and weekly Braver/Wiser reflections.

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Nov 22, 2015

Thank the goddess for this app

I love having a chalice at my fingertips. I love having the 7 principles with me, but please put some song lyrics on it please!! I want to be able too learn the songs,so I need to study them at home.😄😊😃😊🙂🙃😉☺️😍😘🙏🏼


Sep 14, 2015


This app is a great idea and has lots of potential. I rated it with three starts because I wish the "inspirational words" that can be set on a timer were more like 20 words or less. My life is not routine and a couple sentences of inspirational, simple, yet contemplative words would be much more convenient for me, and many others, in this fast paced world. However, those long thoughtful works have a place, e.g. a small group ministry meeting, and I'm not saying they should be eliminated.

Another frustrated gamer

Feb 23, 2015

Lovely little app - Please update!

I love this app! Please update and expand the selection of readings. I also wish the actual principles were the first things shown, with interpretation afterward, rather than the reverse as it is now.


Nov 23, 2014

UU mom

This is great to have the 7 principles at hand and even has links to learn more. Would really appreciate children's RE songs to use for RE and at home or in the car for an occasional uplift or maybe audio or podcasts added to it? Thanks!


Apr 13, 2014


This an Outstanding App, thank you UUA!!

Takeshe Terikato

Feb 02, 2014

Jesus Rejects the UUA

This denomination teaches that which is contrary to scripture. They claim to represent Christ, but act in complete opposition to His doctrine. This denomination will face the Almighty judgement for their scriptural perversion.
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Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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Unitarian Universalist Association
Unitarian Universalist Association
Unitarian Universalist Association
Unitarian Universalist Association
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