utopic_US es el mayor espacio de coworking de Madrid. Cuenta con 2.300 m2 repartidos en dos espacios en pleno centro de la ciudad: una original oficina abierta donde profesionales freelancers, autÑnomos y empresas trabajan en un entorno productivo, colaborativo y de intercambio de servicios, productos, ideas y conocimientos. En utopic_US amplÕan sus vÕas de desarrollo nutri_ndose del heterog_neo ecosistema laboral que les rodea y de la plataforma de coworking virtual que les ofrece utopic_US (www.utopicus.es). Y todo, bajo un clima de emprendimiento y aprendizaje, donde nunca faltan iniciativas innovadoras.
En plena era de la contaminaciÑn, de la transformaciÑn y el mestizaje; en una sociedad que cambia los modelos de negocios y las formas de comunicar y donde, cada vez, cuenta màs el valor de las personas, nace utopic_US, una Usina de transformaciÑn social, desde un proyecto de personas.
- Company Name:Utopic_us
(View Trends)
Headquarters: (View Map)Madrid, Spain
Management Consulting
10 - 50 employees
- 1987728 Global Rank
- 66353 Spain
- Spain 99.3%
- Consumer Goods and Services
- Beauty
- Cosmetics
- 10 SDKs
- App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/utopic-us/id1367232262
- App Support: http://utopicus.es
- Genre: Business
- Bundle ID: com.nexudusspaces.utopicus
- App Size: 15.6 M
- Version: 2.1
- Release Date: April 3rd, 2018
- Update Date: September 26th, 2018
The Utopicus app is designed so that its 1,200+ members can connect, discuss ideas, publish and find job opportunities, book meeting rooms and much more.
1. Connect!: Connect with the community wherever you are, send messages and make comments.
2. Collaborate! Access the profiles of our community of coworkers, find new clients and collaborators and work together on projects.
3. Explore!: Find companies, services, events, courses and much more.
4. Discover! Don´t miss out on the activities in your coworking space: breakfasts, networking events, presentations from new members, courses, exclusive discounts for the community and much more.
5. Book! Book any of our meeting rooms in Madrid or Barcelona in just 3 minutes. Select the day and time and check the availability. Select the room you want and the rest is done.
6. Publish!: Publish your online profile and keep it up to date with your professional information so that others can see what you do and contact you for job and/or collaboration opportunities. You can also consult your bookings, invoices and available credit.
This application is only available to members of Utopicus – if you are interested in finding out more about Utopicus, visit www.utopicus.es, call us on *34 911 590 510 or send us an email to cuentacuenta@utopicus.es.
Utopicus is more than a coworking space: we help launch innovative initiatives and aim to transform society by creating longlasting projects that offer social, cultural and environmental value.
Utopicus is the benchmark in Spain for projects that combine innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship. We currently have 7 coworking spaces between Madrid and Barcelona and we continue to grow.