VCA (WOOF on NASDAQ) is the leading provider of pet health care services in the country delivered through our family of over 600 small animal veterinary hospitals (VCA Animal Hospitals) in the US and Canada, our preeminent nationwide clinical laboratory system that services all 50 states and Canada (Antech Diagnostics), the leading animal diagnostic imaging company in the market (Sound), and VetSTREET, a leading provider of veterinary practice marketing so
> 10,000
Los Angeles, CA, United States

VCA (WOOF on NASDAQ) is the leading provider of pet health care services in the country delivered through our family of over 600 small animal veterinary hospitals (VCA Animal Hospitals) in the US and Canada, our preeminent nationwide clinical laboratory system that services all 50 states and Canada (Antech Diagnostics), the leading animal diagnostic imaging company in the market (Sound), and VetSTREET, a leading provider of veterinary practice marketing solutions.

VCA has an excellent reputation in the pet health care industry and many things of which to be proud. We have established the largest small animal private practice post graduate education program for veterinarians in the world, and employ the largest group of veterinary specialists of any veterinary care company. We are proud to have over 3,300 veterinarians, and more than 17,000 skilled pet care providers, support staff and managers on our team - all working to ensure that patient care, accurate and timely diagnostics, and quality medical outcomes are job #1.

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They are headquartered at Los Angeles, CA, United States, and have 4 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.