Since 1975, Rapid Aid has been the leading global designer and manufacturer of hot and cold therapy products, constantly innovating as we strive to treat the world's bumps and bruises. We work closely with major retailers on seamless private labeling solutions for in-store lines, while also delivering our own full range of branded products. We manufacture for companies that specialize in healthcare, first aid, retail solutions, and much more. Our head offices are in
Consumer Goods
50 - 200
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

Since 1975, Rapid Aid has been the leading global designer and manufacturer of hot and cold therapy products, constantly innovating as we strive to treat the world's bumps and bruises.

We work closely with major retailers on seamless private labeling solutions for in-store lines, while also delivering our own full range of branded products. We manufacture for companies that specialize in healthcare, first aid, retail solutions, and much more. Our head offices are in Mississauga, Ontario, and we proudly produce over 400 products both in Canada and our wholly-owned manufacturing facility in Eastern China.

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They are headquartered at Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Verdecora works with Advertising technology companies such as Facebook Custom Audiences.