Vetsourceª provides Home Delivery pharmacy services to over 8,000 veterinary practices across the country. As the only industry-endorsed Home Delivery pharmacy provider, we source quality medications and nutrition products directly from the manufacturer and ship them right to pet ownersÕ front doors. Every product in VetsourceÕs human-grade institutional pharmacy warehouse is sourced directly from the manufacturer, ensuring its quality and authentic
50 - 200
Portland, OR, United States

Vetsourceª provides Home Delivery pharmacy services to over 8,000 veterinary practices across the country. As the only industry-endorsed Home Delivery pharmacy provider, we source quality medications and nutrition products directly from the manufacturer and ship them right to pet ownersÕ front doors.

Every product in VetsourceÕs human-grade institutional pharmacy warehouse is sourced directly from the manufacturer, ensuring its quality and authenticity. Our website is .pharmacy verified, and our PCI-compliant pharmacy meets or exceeds all regulatory requirements in all 50 states. And since it functions as a virtual extension of a practiceÕs inventory, Vetsource allows providers to offer every prescription product deemed medically necessary without the high cost of keeping each one on hand.

With our cloud-based ScriptRight_ ePrescribing tool, veterinarians can write, review and approve prescriptions from any web-enabled mobile device Ñ even when theyÕre away from the office. And our team of licensed pharmacy technicians provide both practices and pet owners with an unparalleled level of expertise. Our ScriptShareSM feature gives veterinarians the ability to proactively recommend products by sending the client a unique email that will take them directly to the practiceÕs online store. There, the client can quickly and easily purchase the prescribed product in the proper dosage and amount at their convenience.

With services such as AutoShip and RemindMe__, Vetsource empowers pet owners to schedule their petsÕ medications and nutritional products Ð including individual doses Ð for convenient Home Delivery. At the same time, practices benefit from greater compliance, enhanced client relationships and increased revenue.

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Mobile App Data
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| Self Service
  • 8 SDKs
  • 2.0 Avg. Rating
  • 2 Total reviews
  • App Url:
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  • Genre: Business
  • Bundle ID: com.vetsource.ios.scriptright
  • App Size: 2.47 M
  • Version: 1.4
  • Release Date: March 26th, 2012
  • Update Date: November 3rd, 2013


Licensed veterinarians may register online at
This application is for current VetSource veterinarian customers only. This is a free mobile communication tool that offers unprecedented convenience for veterinarians to process prescription requests and share high-quality pet health information with their clients.

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Reviews (Newest First)


Jun 02, 2016

Can't use it, can't get help.

I emailed support over one month ago concerning a pin problem, they did not get back to me. I cannot use this app nor can I get help for it. In order to approve an order, the app requires a pin. But the app never requested a pin during set-up. Utterly useless to me.

Adam Behrens

Nov 01, 2013

Not iOS 7 Compatible

Worked great until I upgraded to iOS 7.
ocoaPods is an application level dependency manager for Objective-C, Swift and any other languages that run on the Objective-C runtime, such as RubyMotion, that provides a standard format for managing external libraries.
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Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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