Virgin Media Ireland
Virgin Media is IrelandÍs fastest broadband network and home of the best connected entertainment. We help to create a digital world that makes good things happen for our customers and the communities in which we operate. Our multi award-winning services: superfast broadband, digital TV, 4G mobile and home phone connect people across Ireland and onwards to the world. And it doesnÍt stop there, weÍre constantly extending our network so that more communiti
500 - 1,000
Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Virgin Media is IrelandÍs fastest broadband network and home of the best connected entertainment. We help to create a digital world that makes good things happen for our customers and the communities in which we operate.

Our multi award-winning services: superfast broadband, digital TV, 4G mobile and home phone connect people across Ireland and onwards to the world. And it doesnÍt stop there, weÍre constantly extending our network so that more communities can enjoy the benefits of the fastest, most widely available broadband speeds that we provide.

Virgin Media is also owner of TV3 Group - IrelandÍs number one commercial broadcaster with three free-to-air channels including TV3, 3e and Be3.

WeÍve got one big happy team working in Ireland and sometimes we look to add to our talent pool _ check out what career opportunities are available.

Virgin Media is part of Liberty Global, the worldÍs largest international cable company, with operations in more than 30 countries.

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Mobile App Data
MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
| Virgin TV Go
  • 83 SDKs
  • 3.29 Avg. Rating
  • App Url:
  • App Support:
  • Genre: Entertainment
  • Bundle ID:
  • Version: 2.3.42
  • Release Date: January 4th, 2017
  • Update Date: January 22nd, 2018


**Important** This app is optimised for iPad & iPhone running iOS 9 or above. The app does not stream on jailbroken devices.

Virgin TV Anywhere turns your device into a TV so you can watch your favourite shows or movies anywhere in the home or when out and about. (Mobile data charges may apply)

Virgin TV Anywhere includes access to the most watched channels so your favourite shows, most popular series and our extensive On Demand movie library are all here. You can also review the TV guide, see what’s on and set recordings.

As part of the out of home service, some channels require you to register your preferred viewing devices. If this is required a message will appear on screen and all you have to do is follow the simple instructions. You can register two devices in total and you can change one of your preferred devices once a calendar month if you wish.

This App is free of charge. To be able to use the app with all its functionalities, you need to be a Virgin Media Digital TV customer in Ireland. A My Virgin Media account is required to log in.

By downloading the Virgin TV Anywhere app, you are confirming that you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Acceptable Use Policy which can be found on the Virgin TV website;

The Ad Support framework provides apps with access to an identifier that can be used only for serving advertisements, as well as a flag which indicates whether a user has limited ad tracking. Accessing the advertising identifier requires apps to read and honor the opt-out flag.
The EventKit framework provides classes for accessing and manipulating calendar events and reminders.
The Event Kit UI framework provides the classes needed to create, edit, and display events using a view controller. It provides several configurable view controller classes.
Protocol Buffers (a.k.a., protobuf) are Google's language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data.
GameplayKit Framework
GameplayKit is a collection of foundational tools and technologies for building games in iOS, OS X, and tvOS. Building, evolving, and maintaining a sophisticated game requires a well-planned design—GameplayKit provides architectural tools to help you design modular, scalable game architecture with minimal effort. Creating great games also requires deploying complex algorithms to solve the problems underlying common game mechanics—GameplayKit also provides standard implementations of such algorithms, allowing you to spend more time on the features that make your gameplay unique. Because GameplayKit is independent of high-level game engine technologies, you can combine it with any of those technologies to build a complete game: SpriteKit for 2D games, SceneKit for 3D games, or a custom or third-party game engine using Metal or OpenGL ES. For games with less demanding graphics needs, you can even use GameplayKit with UIKit (in iOS or tvOS) or AppKit (in OS X).
The GLKit framework provides functions and classes that reduce the effort required to create new shader-based apps or to port existing apps that rely on fixed-function vertex or fragment processing provided by earlier versions of OpenGL ES or OpenGL.
A class designed to simplify the implementation of various types of carousel.
SceneKit is an Objective-C framework for building apps and games that use 3D graphics, combining a high-performance rendering engine with a high-level, descriptive API. SceneKit supports the import, manipulation, and rendering of 3D assets. Unlike lower-level APIs such as OpenGL that require you to implement in precise detail the rendering algorithms that display a scene, SceneKit only requires descriptions of your scene’s contents and the actions or animations you want it to perform.
SpriteKit provides a graphics rendering and animation infrastructure that you can use to animate arbitrary textured images, or sprites. SpriteKit uses a traditional rendering loop where the contents of each frame are processed before the frame is rendered. Your game determines the contents of the scene and how those contents change in each frame. SpriteKit does the work to render frames of animation efficiently using the graphics hardware. SpriteKit is optimized so that the positions of sprites can be changed arbitrarily in each frame of animation.
Swift ModelIO
Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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Virgin Media Ireland
Virgin Media Ireland receives up to 0.67M pageviews per day, in countries such as Ireland.

They are headquartered at Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, and have 4 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Virgin Media Ireland works with Advertising technology companies such as Twitter Ads, DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences, DemDex, AppNexus, AppNexus Segment Pixel, Google Adsense, Adobe Audience Manager Sync, Google Remarketing, Adobe Audience Manager, Microsoft Advertising.