VoIPTime is the developer of modern software application for Call/Contact centers - VoIPTime Contact Center. We place special emphasis on high quality, reliability, and functionality of the solution. Advantages of VoIPTime solution include (but are not limited by): - complete Web-orientation, which reduces its dependence on operating system or equipment when organizing Call/Contact centers; - it permits you to use internal CRM system making it possible to create outgoing campaigns, hot lines, calls from web site, faxes, web chats, and email collaboration; - can easily be integrated with third-party software via modern technology like RestFull API, XML, Web Service, SOAP, etc. We offer VoIPTime solution for premise-based Call/Contact centers and cloud call centers. This software will assist you in establishing a multi-channel interaction with your customers, thus improving the efficiency of your Contact center. Call center systems are continuously evolving; for this reason, we are constantly monitoring both the situation on the market and our customersÍ integration requests. In addition to this, we guarantee the stability and high-availability of Call center software, since we respond immediately to all the requests of our clients and provide adequate technical support.
50 - 200
Lviv, Ukraine

VoIPTime is the developer of modern software application for Call/Contact centers - VoIPTime Contact Center.

We place special emphasis on high quality, reliability, and functionality of the solution.

Advantages of VoIPTime solution include (but are not limited by):

- complete Web-orientation, which reduces its dependence on operating system or equipment when organizing Call/Contact centers;
- it permits you to use internal CRM system making it possible to create outgoing campaigns, hot lines, calls from web site, faxes, web chats, and email collaboration;
- can easily be integrated with third-party software via modern technology like RestFull API, XML, Web Service, SOAP, etc.

We offer VoIPTime solution for premise-based Call/Contact centers and cloud call centers. This software will assist you in establishing a multi-channel interaction with your customers, thus improving the efficiency of your Contact center.

Call center systems are continuously evolving; for this reason, we are constantly monitoring both the situation on the market and our customersÍ integration requests. In addition to this, we guarantee the stability and high-availability of Call center software, since we respond immediately to all the requests of our clients and provide adequate technical support.

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They are headquartered at Lviv, Ukraine, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Voiptime works with Advertising technology companies such as Facebook Custom Audiences.