Welcome Break
Welcome Break is one of the largest independent motorway service operators in the UK and has led the revolution in changing the motorway service sector. We've been around for over 50 years and are now in locations across the UK. Our 5000+ strong team strive to proudly and passionately offer our customersÍ world class hospitality and retail brands such as Waitrose, Starbucks, Subway, Harry Ramsdens, Tossed, KFC, Ramada, Days Inn and Burger King to name a

Welcome Break is one of the largest independent motorway service operators in the UK and has led the revolution in changing the motorway service sector.

We've been around for over 50 years and are now in locations across the UK. Our 5000+ strong team strive to proudly and passionately offer our customersÍ world class hospitality and retail brands such as Waitrose, Starbucks, Subway, Harry Ramsdens, Tossed, KFC, Ramada, Days Inn and Burger King to name a few in a friendly and relaxing environment.

Our business is about people, the 80 million people who visit our sites each year and the teams who make the business the success it is. Every one deserves to get a warm welcome and enjoyable break with the very best service, facilities, food and drinks we can provide.

Providing customers with a welcome break is really important to us. Every day here is as challenging as it is enjoyable, as rewarding as it is fun. We believe that the same should be true once our working day is over, so we do everything we can to make sure our teams can get their work/life balance just right!

Everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed at Welcome Break. To make sure that those achievements are recognised, we have many recognition schemes, most of which are peer to peer recognition. WhatÍs more, we work hard to build a culture of openness, listening to customers and our own people so we can identify opportunities to improve service, innovation and engagement.

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Global Rank 755,099
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United Kingdom Page Views 88.0%
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They have 3 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Welcome Break works with Advertising technology companies such as Twitter Ads, Facebook Custom Audiences, DoubleClick.Net.