Zed is # 1 company worldwide in monetization of value added products and services for mobile devices.. The company operates in 65 countries in 5 continents with +1,000 employees, 50% of them dedicated to R&D. Zed products are available to more than 380 million potential consumers through exclusive agreements with 130 wireless operators and media companies all over the world. ZedÍs business model is based on three complementary activit
50 - 200
Las Rozas, Spain

Zed is # 1 company worldwide in monetization of value added products and services for mobile devices..

The company operates in 65 countries in 5 continents with +1,000 employees, 50% of them dedicated to R&D. Zed products are available to more than 380 million potential consumers through exclusive agreements with 130 wireless operators and media companies all over the world.

ZedÍs business model is based on three complementary activities: the creation of digital content and services for mobile devices, its subsequent distribution and transaction management as well as a sophisticated digital marketing system.

For more information visit: www.zed.com
Follow us on twitter @ZedGroup

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  • 0 SDKs
  • 3.02 Avg. Rating
  • 191 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/zed/id366989892
  • App Support: http://www.mobile.playerxmobile.com/40/iphone-support/
  • Genre: Games
  • Bundle ID: com.zed.hollywoodhospital
  • App Size: 14.8 M
  • Version: 1.0.3
  • Release Date: May 11th, 2010
  • Update Date: August 7th, 2012


-The game is now iOS4 compatible-

-Works on iPad-

"If you’re a time management game fan that hasn’t made the trip to Hollywood Hospital yet, I think you’ll find it worth your time." Overall Score: 8/10
- iphonelife.com

"Hollywood Hospital is excellent. It is beautifully, and amusingly done and it worthy of praise...one of the best time management games on the iPhone."
- TheAppera.com

Hollywood Hospital is fun and lighthearted game that should bring at least a smirk to your face ...
Final Rating: 85%

"I really enjoyed Hollywood Hospital. It's one of the most challenging time-management games I've played"
- Game-Boyz.com

"If you’re passing time, and you like or haven’t yet tried out the “time-management” style games, definitely give this one a shot."
- appmodo.com

"if you're looking for some quick and easy fun, this is it!"
- Stuffwelike.com

"crazy addicting and tonnes of fun, definitely an app you'll find hard to put down"
- Buymeaniphone.com

There’s trouble in paradise. A virus has broken out and transformed Hollywood’s residents into larger than life movie characters, with Rambones and LockJaws roaming Sunset Boulevard. It’s up to Dr Mathers Storm, award-winning Surgeon at Hollywood Hospital, and his crack team of super-smart medical experts to diagnose, scan, treat, prod, poke and cure the not-so glamorous patients. Get them comfortable, diagnosed, treated and discharged fast enough for you to make it onto the red carpet.

Join the beautiful H!TV news reporter Priscilla Powers as she guides you through the doors of the world famous institution. Use your time-management skills to help Dr Storm and the team to treat each patient and part them from their not so well earned cash.

- Manage and build up your very own hospital in glitzy Hollywood
- Treat wacky diseases inspired by classic movie characters like Rambone and LockJaws
- Cure your patients with unique and hilarious minigames
- Add new wards to your institution; 6 extensions available
- Enjoy frantic time management gameplay over 35 levels

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Reviews (Newest First)

Mar 20, 2013

Fun, cute and addictive..

I honestly don't know why this game has only 3 stars. It's so much fun. I know the game play is a bit slow, but the characters are cute and it's such a fun game.

Dec 09, 2012


Slow slow game. Becomes very boring very quickly.

Nov 09, 2012

Hollywood hospital

A really bad game. Slow & stupid. Over all lame. Want my money back. Guess i should never buy an app that doesn't have a free trial.

Oct 25, 2012


ได้ App นี้ตอนแจกฟรีพอดี สนุกดีค่ะ ภาพสวย ชอบค่ะ ^^


Sep 13, 2012

Needs update

I like the game but it desperately needs to be updated. Also needs to be fixed to allow you to be able to start over. Currently you have to delete and re-install to start over.


May 12, 2012

Don't buy until updated!

Game has good potential, but the patients walk way too slow to be able to do much of anything (besides get frustrated). There are better TM games for $.99, like Airport Mania. Wish I had heeded the other reviews. Wait for an update or if the game is free.
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They are headquartered at Las Rozas, Spain, and have 2 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Zed works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.