Zed Worldwide
Zed is # 1 company worldwide in monetization of value added products and services for mobile devices.. The company operates in 65 countries in 5 continents with +1,000 employees, 50% of them dedicated to R&D. Zed products are available to more than 380 million potential consumers through exclusive agreements with 130 wireless operators and media companies all over the world. ZedÍs business model is based on three complementary activit
50 - 200
Las Rozas, Spain

Zed is # 1 company worldwide in monetization of value added products and services for mobile devices..

The company operates in 65 countries in 5 continents with +1,000 employees, 50% of them dedicated to R&D. Zed products are available to more than 380 million potential consumers through exclusive agreements with 130 wireless operators and media companies all over the world.

ZedÍs business model is based on three complementary activities: the creation of digital content and services for mobile devices, its subsequent distribution and transaction management as well as a sophisticated digital marketing system.

For more information visit: www.zed.com
Follow us on twitter @ZedGroup

Site Traffic
  • 613426 Global Rank
  • 18238
  • 122 K Estimated Visits
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Alexa Traffic Data
Global Rank 77,242
United States Rank 22,766
United States Page Views 67.2%
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Top Search Keywords
  • Nederlands
  • Zakelijk
  • Financieel
  • Verzekeringen
  • Maatschappijen
Zed Worldwide receives up to 0.05M pageviews per day, in countries such as United States, Canada.

They are headquartered at Las Rozas, Spain, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Zed Worldwide works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net.