Adra International
ADRA knows that beginnings are difficult. ThatÍs why we assist people unconditionally every day. Because everyone needs a helping hand now and then, ADRA reaches out to families that need help securing the basics, such as food and water; establishing livelihoods; accessing health care; obtaining literacy and numeracy skills; and surviving and thriving after a disaster. To provide this assistance, our ADRA team of dedicated experts is present in more than 125 co
50 - 200
Silver Spring, MD, United States

ADRA knows that beginnings are difficult. ThatÍs why we assist people unconditionally every day. Because everyone needs a helping hand now and then, ADRA reaches out to families that need help securing the basics, such as food and water; establishing livelihoods; accessing health care; obtaining literacy and numeracy skills; and surviving and thriving after a disaster.

To provide this assistance, our ADRA team of dedicated experts is present in more than 125 countries around the world, delivering aid and development to those who need it most and looking for creative ways to solve problems.

Among other benefits, our many programs help people receive loans to start small businesses, skills training to find better-paying jobs, and health care to thrive physically. As a result, peopleÍs lives are changed for the better, and they know that they can look to the future with confidence and be sure that they will be able to care for their families with dignity.

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Adra International
Adra International receives up to 0.005M pageviews per day.

They are headquartered at Silver Spring, MD, United States, and have 3 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Adra International works with Advertising technology companies such as AdRoll, DoubleClick.Net, Facebook Custom Audiences, Adform, Google Remarketing, Reddit Ads, ExactTarget.