Triggr Health
Triggr Health is changing the way care is delivered to dramatically reduce recidivism rates for those in early substance abuse recovery. Our platform utilizes phone sensors and phone data to predict the state of somebodyÍs recovery in real-time, enabling the right care to be delivered proactively when it is needed most. We combine machine learning with evidence-based care to continuously understand the health of an individual and reach them with the optimal intervention. This 24/7 real-time support ensures that people get the help they need the moment they need it. We are a world-class team of engineers, designers, doctors, and researchers from institutions such as Stanford, UCSF School of Medicine, Northwestern, Google, and Rackspace. We are currently working with many of the top treatment providers, large health systems, and leading academic research programs. We have come together because we believe that our friends, our family, and every person struggling with a behavioral health condition deserves the best possible care. We are building a world where everyone reaches long-term recovery.
10 - 50
Chicago, IL, United States

Triggr Health is changing the way care is delivered to dramatically reduce recidivism rates for those in early substance abuse recovery. Our platform utilizes phone sensors and phone data to predict the state of somebodyÍs recovery in real-time, enabling the right care to be delivered proactively when it is needed most. We combine machine learning with evidence-based care to continuously understand the health of an individual and reach them with the optimal intervention. This 24/7 real-time support ensures that people get the help they need the moment they need it.

We are a world-class team of engineers, designers, doctors, and researchers from institutions such as Stanford, UCSF School of Medicine, Northwestern, Google, and Rackspace. We are currently working with many of the top treatment providers, large health systems, and leading academic research programs.

We have come together because we believe that our friends, our family, and every person struggling with a behavioral health condition deserves the best possible care. We are building a world where everyone reaches long-term recovery.

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  • Product Support
  • Consumer Software
  • Microsoft Corporation
They are headquartered at Chicago, IL, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Triggr Health works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, Google Adsense, Google Adsense for Domains, AdBlock Acceptable Ads.