Amtex Limited
Amtex is one of the leading textile manufacturing groups in Pakistan . It is a vertically integrated group with operations in all sectors of the textile industry from Spinning to Stitching. It has a diversified product and market portfolio. Amtex holds a special position in the textile industry in the sense that it provides the largest variety and combination of products to its customers under one roof. Amtex is leading manufacturer of Home Textile and garments Products. Th

Amtex is one of the leading textile manufacturing groups in Pakistan . It is a vertically integrated group with operations in all sectors of the textile industry from Spinning to Stitching. It has a diversified product and market portfolio. Amtex holds a special position in the textile industry in the sense that it provides the largest variety and combination of products to its customers under one roof.

Amtex is leading manufacturer of Home Textile and garments Products. The manufacturing processes are certified on ISO 9001:2000 standards. Amtex is a quality conscious company, it has a well defined policy towards quality. This policy is the driving force behind achieving the quality of the products produced in Amtex.
Our philosophy is to create a single channel for satisfying diverse and high class needs of our valued partners. We are highly flexible in responding to dynamic needs of our customers. We have a set of truly devoted professionals who focus on their areas of specialties to produce highly valued products. We believe in partnership not only with our customers but also with our employees who have proved to be a key in maintaining the highest level of excellence in our outputs.

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They are headquartered at Pakistan, and have 3 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava.