400 million smiles, everywhere within the world! With five universal brands, including The Laughing Cow¬, Mini Babybel¬, Kiri¬, Leerdammer¬, and Boursin¬, and over 25 local brands, Bel brings smiles to nearly 400 million consumers in 130 countries. By building on the strength of its brands, the most international names in the cheese sector, Bel aims to lead in all its various markets. The commitment, enthusiasm and entrepreneurial spirit of BelÍs 12,00
Food Production

400 million smiles, everywhere within the world!

With five universal brands, including The Laughing Cow¬, Mini Babybel¬, Kiri¬, Leerdammer¬, and Boursin¬, and over 25 local brands, Bel brings smiles to nearly 400 million consumers in 130 countries. By building on the strength of its brands, the most international names in the cheese sector, Bel aims to lead in all its various markets.

The commitment, enthusiasm and entrepreneurial spirit of BelÍs 12,000 employees is the growth driver of the worldÍs third-largest branded cheese company.

In 2016, the Group generated consolidated sales of ó2.9 billion. 12,000 employees in some 33 subsidiaries around the world contribute to the Group's success. Its products are prepared at 30 production sites.

To experience Bel is to be daring, pragmatic and determined to meet the growth challenges of an international family food group. At Bel, the employees have the opportunity to measure the impact of their talent and energy in realizing an ambitious company project. Be you. Be ambitious. Be Bel.

Bel Group is headquartered in Suresnes, France.

Follow Bel on - Twitter @Belcorporate and YouTube channel, GroupBel

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