MieleÍs company motto is ïForever betterÍ. Without any of the puns so popular today, the message is clear: We aim to become ïforever betterÍ ourselves, and intend to be better than all the others. An ambitious, even somewhat provocative maxim. This has applied since the foundation of the company in 1899, and is therefore just as long-lasting as our appliances. Yet always up-to-date, again like the appliances themselves. Miele is a family company _ even though the
Consumer Goods
Munich, Germany

MieleÍs company motto is ïForever betterÍ. Without any of the puns so popular today, the message
is clear: We aim to become ïforever betterÍ ourselves, and intend to be better than all the others. An ambitious, even somewhat provocative maxim. This has applied since the foundation of the company in 1899, and is therefore just as long-lasting as our appliances. Yet always up-to-date, again like the appliances themselves.

Miele is a family company _ even though the workforce numbers over 15,000, including more than 10,000 in Germany. A company with its own sales subsidiaries in 37 countries and also represented by importers throughout the world, with a turnover of ó 2.54 bn. Since its foundation in 1899, the company has belonged to the Miele and Zinkann families _ today each in their fourth generation. Most production takes place in eight plants in Germany, with one plant each in Austria, the Czech Republic and China.

In Germany we have the know-how and specialist personnel necessary to remain innovation
leader. Miele is a German brand for which ïMade in GermanyÍ is a very important international hallmark of quality. And we still see potential for growth in many countries. Our aim is the same everywhere: Miele appliances must be the best.

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MixRank is the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn more.
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  • 10 SDKs
  • 1.94 Avg. Rating
  • 49 Total reviews
  • App Url: https://itunes.apple.com/app/miele-cie-kg/id930406907
  • App Support: https://www.miele.com/en/com/miele-service-2069.htm
  • Genre: Lifestyle
  • Bundle ID: de.miele.Mieleatmobile
  • App Size: 439 M
  • Version: 3.8.0
  • Release Date: December 3rd, 2014
  • Update Date: September 15th, 2020


Networking your appliances opens up new ways of improving the convenience, quality, and safety of your dynamic lifestyle. The Miele@mobile app gives you the option of operating all of your network-enabled Miele domestic appliances quickly and conveniently with a smartphone or tablet. At any time, you can access your washing machine, refrigerator, or oven directly, request status information, and select functions, for example.

Information on the selected program or the operating mode as well as the time remaining for the program to run are displayed. The app informs you how long the roast will need to cook in the oven, for instance. You also receive notifications when your intervention is needed ‒ for example, when the dishwasher program has finished or if a refrigerator door has been left open.

The practical recipe function enabling easy access to recipes is an entirely new feature.

An additional feature of the app is the use of wizards. The interactive washing wizard recommends the most suitable wash program, for instance.

Depending on the appliance model, with ShopConn@ct you also have the option of reordering detergent or dishwasher tablets, for example, with just a few clicks in the Miele Shop.

Important usage information

The fundamental requirements for the use of this app are network-enabled Miele domestic appliances.

The demonstration mode in the Miele@mobile app provides a first impression of the range of possibilities for this app, even if you do not yet have any network-enabled Miele domestic appliances.

The following functions can be used even without appliances connected:
• Recipes
• Wizards
• Information on textile care, stain removal, etc.

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Reviews (Newest First)


Jan 25, 2020

Mostly Pointless and Cumbersome

The value of this app is close to nil. It does not connect to my washer when on cellular data and only unreliable when on WiFi. It also does not let me select the Favorites (customized programs) I created using the washer Interface; indeed, it does not seem to know of these Favorites. Nor does it manage to notify me when the laundry is done. When I close the app or something goes wrong, I need to login again. Bizarrely, the first step is to choose my country from a a long list. Why can the system not be programmed to establish this automatically after login? After all, Miele has all those data from the registration process. Only real use so far has been the ability to update the firmware. Great engineering but terrible software. Miele should look at Samsung or LG.


Jan 18, 2017


Das Update hat sich gelohnt!


Jan 18, 2017


Leider ist (immer noch) keine Verbindung mit einer Qivicon Home Base möglich. Für mich geht das aus den Informationen zu dem Miele@Home-System nicht hervor, da die Kompatibilität explizit beworben wird. Nun bleibt nur ein Webfrontend mit der Funktionalität eines Timers. Insbesondere bei den initialen Investitionskosten sehr enttäuschend.


Jan 17, 2017

Schade Miele! Das kannst Du besser!

Schade Miele, die App hat durchaus Potenzial. Doch leider lassen sich keine nicht WLAN fähigen Miele Haushaltsgeräte in dieser App verwalten. Zum Beispiel wäre es praktisch die Gebrauchsanweisungen aller Miele Geräte dort abzurufen.


Jan 17, 2017

Echt klasse - immer besser

Vielfältige Möglichkeiten der Miele Geräte Vernetzung, eine riesige Auswahl an Rezepten, dazugehörigen Videos, Tipps, Einkaufslisten & Geräteeinstellungen. Schön wäre noch eine Einbindung des online Shops direkt in die App und nicht per Link.


Jan 17, 2017

Fehler werden nicht benannt!

...statt in der App Funktionalitäten zu integrieren, die die Arbeit mit dem Gerät nicht verbessern, sollte sie die Fehlernummer, die ein Gerät zeigt entschlüsseln und nicht auf die Gebrauchsanweisung verweisen!
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The AV Foundation framework provides an Objective-C interface for managing and playing audio-visual media in iOS and OS X applications.
Core Foundation Framework
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Foundation Framework
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Launch Services
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Use uniform type identifier (UTI) information to create and manipulate data that can be exchanged between your app and other apps and services using MobileCoreServices.
Quartz Core Framework
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System Configuration F...
This collection of documents describes the programming interfaces of the System Configuration framework. The System Configuration framework provides functions that determine the reachability of target hosts in both a synchronous and an asynchronous manner. It also provides error detection facilities.
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Data sourced from MixRank, the most comprehensive database of mobile apps, developers, SDKs, technologies, services, and integrations. Learn More.
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