Chemical Information Services
ChemicalInfo, maker of the Directory of World Chemical Producers (DWCP), is the most trusted resource of accurate information for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry worldwide. For over 40 years, we have collected, verified and distributed vital information including our producer and bulk pharmaceutical data to global buyers and sellers of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. In 2014 we launched the easy-to-use integrated version of our four products: Directory of World Chemical Producers (DWCP), FinishedForms, PathFinder and ContractManufacturing. This integration allows our users to have access to comprehensive data all in one place. Our improved user experience streamlines the sourcing and sales and marketing process of finding accurate producer and contact information. We continually update our databases with the help of our in-house Research Department in addition to our direct contact with companies, relationships with trade associations and our network of global affiliates. Our goal is to save our members time and add value by ensuring they have easy access to the most accurate information, when and where itÍs needed. Visit us online now
Information Services
10 - 50
Dallas, TX, United States

ChemicalInfo, maker of the Directory of World Chemical Producers (DWCP), is the most trusted resource of accurate information for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry worldwide. For over 40 years, we have collected, verified and distributed vital information including our producer and bulk pharmaceutical data to global buyers and sellers of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. In 2014 we launched the easy-to-use integrated version of our four products: Directory of World Chemical Producers (DWCP), FinishedForms, PathFinder and ContractManufacturing. This integration allows our users to have access to comprehensive data all in one place. Our improved user experience streamlines the sourcing and sales and marketing process of finding accurate producer and contact information.

We continually update our databases with the help of our in-house Research Department in addition to our direct contact with companies, relationships with trade associations and our network of global affiliates.

Our goal is to save our members time and add value by ensuring they have easy access to the most accurate information, when and where itÍs needed.

Visit us online now

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They are headquartered at Dallas, TX, United States, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Chemical Information Services works with Advertising technology companies such as Openads/OpenX, DoubleClick.Net, Consent Management Platform API v 2.0, AdSpeed, Google Adsense, Google Adsense Asynchronous.