Ciat London
Ciat_ girls are pretty, fun and fearless. Unafraid to dream big and sparkle bright, they seek out new colors and techniques while exploring fresh ways to constantly update their look. Specializing in fast, fabulous beauty solutions, they are hotties on a mission, cuties with ambition _ unafraid to express their own individuality and be their own kind of beautiful. These girls were born to make it and this is demonstrated daily in their make-up and style choices. They are
10 - 50
London, United Kingdom

Ciat_ girls are pretty, fun and fearless. Unafraid to dream big and sparkle bright, they seek out new colors and techniques while exploring fresh ways to constantly update their look.

Specializing in fast, fabulous beauty solutions, they are hotties on a mission, cuties with ambition _ unafraid to express their own individuality and be their own kind of beautiful. These girls were born to make it and this is demonstrated daily in their make-up and style choices. They are their own muse, they follow their own rules, they are chasing their dreams and they are unstoppable.

With the mantra spread love, dare to play and live in colour Ciat_ seeks to develop make up that is empowering and approachable for all skill levels. Ciat_ puts the express in expression - from backstage to back-of-a-cab, only the cleverest application tricks, easy short-cuts and make-up hacks will do.

From humble beginnings, Charlotte Knight transformed her career path from nail technician to global beauty brand owner by following her passion for colour and endless determination. Powered by positivity, she turned her cantÍs into cans and her dreams into plans. With a vision for beauty innovation and fearless determination, she rapidly became an industry leader.

The brand has endless appeal to beauty lovers globally _ from pretty, pared-bag, daily essentials to fun, fashion-led fearless looks. The brand is a go-to for trend updates - aiming to inspire and entertain the client, and encourage her to play and experiment with colour.

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Ciat London
Ciat London receives up to 0.01M pageviews per day.

They are headquartered at London, United Kingdom, and have 1 advertising & marketing contacts listed on Kochava. Ciat London works with Advertising technology companies such as DoubleClick.Net, AdRoll, Facebook Custom Audiences, Google Remarketing, AWIN, Triple Whale.